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Album Cover
Buddy Holly And The Crickets
Not Fade Away - Unique Recordings With Countdowns And False Starts

Album HU on Cricket label
Rock (Rock’n’Roll)

PortraitBuddy Holly voc, g, 1936-1959 US
album by
PortraitThe Crickets , 1957-2016 US
album by
PortraitGary Tollett , *1932
lead vocals
PortraitCharlie Phillips voc, *1937 US
lead vocals
PortraitJerry Allison dr, *1939 US
lead vocals
PortraitRick Tucker ,
lead vocals
The Picks backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1That'll Be The DayBuddy Holly And The Crickets0:35
2That'll Be The DayBuddy Holly And The Crickets0:36
3MonaBuddy Holly And The Crickets9:30
4Last NightBuddy Holly And The Crickets
5Not Fade AwayBuddy Holly And The Crickets
6Come Back BabyBuddy Holly And The Crickets
7ReminiscingBuddy Holly And The Crickets
8Loves Made A Fool Of YouBuddy Holly And The Crickets
9Go Boy GoBuddy Holly And The Crickets
10The Golden RocketBuddy Holly And The Crickets
11GoneBuddy Holly And The Crickets
12I Overlooked An OrchidBuddy Holly And The Crickets
13SugartimeBuddy Holly And The Crickets
14Oh You Beautiful DollBuddy Holly And The Crickets
15Real Wild ChildBuddy Holly And The Crickets
16Don't Do Me This WayBuddy Holly And The Crickets
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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