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Album Cover
Loš I Mlad

Album 1981 on PGP RTB label
Alternative (Alternative Rock, New Wave, Classic Rock)

Second edition. As a difference to the first edition, which can be viewed here, this one doesn't have a mark "I-3000" printed on side B and data positoning at both centre labels is somewhat different (barely visible) Recorded in Studio V PGP RTB. Credited musicians and guest vocalists are not present on covers. Infos are provided by band members.

PortraitBulevar ,
album by
PortraitDragan Mitrić key, RS
arranged by, keyboards, music by, lyrics by, written by
PortraitNenad Stamatović g,
arranged by, guitar, music by
PortraitBranko Isaković b, *1958 RS
bass, arranged by
PortraitPredrag Jakovljević dr,
drums, arranged by
PortraitDejan Cukić voc,
lyrics by, vocals, written by, arranged by
PortraitMarina Tucaković bvoc, *1953
lyrics by
PortraitMomčilo Bajagić g, voc, *1960 RS
lyrics by
Bebi Dol backing vocals
Jugoslav Vlahović design, photography by
Vita Blažić photography by
Bulevar producer
Tahir Durkalić recorded by
Oliver Mandić backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Loš I MladBulevar
2Vesele DevojčiceBulevarMomčilo Bajagić
3Kad Smo Na PutuBulevarDejan Cukić
4Lepo Je Biti S TobomBulevarDragan Mitrić
5Rano JutroBulevarDragan Mitrić
7Meni Treba Nešto VrućeBulevar
8Bane BrkBulevar
9Da Li Je To ČudoBulevar
10Gasim TV I OdlazimBulevar
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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