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Album Cover
Burn The Priest
Burn The Priest

Album US 1999 on Legion Records label
Rock (Death Metal)

Recorded November 10 -14, 1998 at Austin Enterprises in Clinton, Mass. Mixed at Chapel Studio in England. This original version has not been remixed.

PortraitBurn The Priest , 1994-1999 US
album by, music by
PortraitBob Gorman voc,
artwork by, logo
PortraitJohn Campbell b, *1972 US
PortraitChris Adler dr, *1972 US
drums, producer
PortraitAbe Spear g,
PortraitMark Morton g, *1972 US
PortraitSteve Austin g, voc,
producer, mastered by, engineer, original, lyrics by, extra, vocals, extra
PortraitRandy Blythe voc, *1971 US
vocals, lyrics by
PortraitJudd Prather ,
lyrics by
K3n Adams artwork by, artwork & layout
Michael Brosan backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1BloodlettingBurn The Priest1:57
2DimeraBurn The PriestJudd Prather, Randy Blythe2:27
3Resurrection #9Burn The PriestSteve Austin5:15
4GoatfishBurn The Priest2:23
5SalvationBurn The Priest2:12
6Lies Of AutumnBurn The Priest4:47
7Chronic Auditory HallucinationBurn The Priest3:53
8Suffering BastardBurn The Priest2:07
9BuckeyeBurn The Priest3:57
10LameBurn The Priest1:51
11Preaching To The ConvertedBurn The Priest2:32
12Departure HymnBurn The Priest2:39
13DuaneBurn The Priest2:17
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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