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Album Cover
Burro Banton
Da Original Banton

Album US 1995 on Massive B label
Reggae (Dancehall)

Tracks 11 to 16 are exclusive to the CD version of this album.

PortraitBurro Banton voc, *1956 JM
engineer, written by, album by
PortraitDJ Nastee ,
engineer, musician
PortraitComputer Paul key,
PortraitJoe Moskowitz key,
PortraitJohn "Sir Raphael" Allen key, voc, JM
PortraitVal Douglas b, JM
Bobby Konders engineer, producer
Philip Smart engineer
Clarence Williams photography by
Burro Banton
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Bible AgainBurro Banton
2GunmanBurro Banton
3Westmoreland Sensi FromBurro Banton
4Warn DemBurro Banton
5AttentionBurro Banton
6BoomwadisBurro Banton
7Washington SessionBurro Banton
8Wanna NoBurro Banton
9ExconBurro Banton
10Top A LineBurro Banton
11Boomwadis (Hip Hop)Burro Banton
12Dema Gangster (Remix)Burro Banton
13Girls CollectBurro Banton
14Gal U DatBurro Banton
15No ProblemBurro Banton
16Big Man Chill (Hip Hop)Burro Banton
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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