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Album Cover
Heavy Metal Payback Live

Album DE 2009 on ersguterjunge label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Gangsta, Pop Rap)

Live-Vocals from Bushido, Nyze, Kay One and DJ Stickle during the whole playtime.

PortraitBushido sampler, voc, *1978 DE
album by
PortraitNyze , *1981 DE
rap, featuring
PortraitChakuza voc, *1981 AT
rap, featuring
PortraitKay One , *1984 DE
rap, featuring
PortraitKarel Gott voc, *1939 CZ
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2Paragraph 117Bushido4:35
3Merk Dir EinsBushido3:54
4Die Träne FälltBushido4:46
5Zeiten Ändern SichBushido5:54
6Hai LifeBushido5:10
8Bei NachtBushido3:43
9Dieser Eine WunschBushido5:43
101, 2, 3, 4 (Vielen Dank Aggro Berlin)Bushido4:24
11Alles Gute Kommt Von UntenBushido4:47
12Alles VerlorenBushido5:54
13Hunde, Die Bellen, Beissen NichtBushido6:39
14Von Der Skyline Zum Bordstein ZurückBushido5:27
16Rolling StoneBushido5:05
17Für Immer JungBushido6:02
18Eure KinderBushido5:28
19Ching ChingBushido8:41
20Making OfBushido1:12
21Video: Ching ChingBushido4:19
22Video: Für Immer JungBushido4:29
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Bushido - Heavy Metal Payback Live DE 2008 Hip-Hop/Rap
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