Survivors Of The Rock’n’Roll Wars. They’ve been around. Hell, they’ve been around the block a couple of times by now. They’ve seen Spinal Tap so many times they can’t seperate fact from fiction anymore. But hey, that’s fun. So allright, you get it, they aren’t the youngsters that are going to re-invent the wheel. Can’t bother them with that kinda shit. The thing is: they actually don’t care. They never did. This is a brand new band started by survivors of the rock’n’roll wars. And they wear it as a badge of honour. They’ve all played in a zillion bands, some pretty notorious, some euh...well, not so notorious. They played together in different constellations but never the four of them together so that makes it kinda special I guess. Oh yeah, they play rock’n’roll. Or you could call it rock or heavy rock or whatever suits you. Swaggering riff fueled rock’n’roll for today. ‘Cause the world needs fun. Excitement. Intensity. They’re not arrogant, They’re just self-confident. Previous bands: Speedball Jr., The Bollock Brothers, Southern Voodoo, Motorcity Angels, Interfear, Lipstick Traces, ... Ask no questions and they will tell you no lies. Huh! Their first CD was recorded the past few months and will be released march 2018 on Catfight Entertainment. Mastering was done by no other then former Peter Pan Speedrock headpin Peter Van Elderen!