A.k.a. Ronald Wayne Greene Ronald Greene
The Captain, a mainstay of the NIA label, has rocked it with three all-time classic cuts: the George Clinton-esque "Cosmic Blast", "To the Future Shock" and "Return Of Captain Rock". His other releases include "You Stink" and "Bongo Beats" which were more straight up rap cuts in comparison with his other electro tracks, and his debut "Cosmic Glide" which was more on the pre-electro disco-funk rap tip popular before Planet Rock changed everything. One of the great showmen of Hip Hop, as happy on stage as he is in the studio, Captain Rock surely rocked the house with his live performance on UK Fresh 86.
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
To The Future Shock | Captain Rock | 2005 | Compil. |
Bongo Beat | Captain Rock | 1986 | Album |
House Of Rock / You Stink | Captain Rock | 1986 | Album |
Cosmic Blast | Captain Rock | 1984 | Album |
Capt. Rock To The Future Shock | Captain Rock | 1984 | Album |
The Return Of Capt. Rock | Captain Rock | 1983 | Album |
Cosmic Glide | Captain Rock | 1982 | Album |
Captain Rock voc, g |
Captain Rock Alternative |
Captain Rock |
Captain Rock And The Skyriders |