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Album Cover
Casbah Club
Dead London Calling

Compil. FR 2015 on Nineteen Something label
Alternative (Punk)

Comes as a digifile. All songs Casbah Club : Bablée / Wauthier / Froger / Simoen / Casbah Sauf Days Of September (Casbah Club : Bablée / Rousseau / Froger / Simoen / Casbah) et In The Evening - You Make Me Fuse (Casbah Club : Bablée / Pessard / Froger / Simoen / Casbah) Days Of September : extract from the 2nd demo from the band recorded in September 1990. Appears on On Another Planet You Make Me Fuse / In The Evening : extracts from a 12 tracks session recorded at Studio Amco Feneu in August 1991. When It's Too Late : appears also (re-recorded in Mars 1992) on Ipso Facto. Each Part Of Everything / My Sistership / Rock n Roll City : extracts of the 4 tracks demo "Karma Session" recorded in December 1992. The fourth track of this demo "Tell The Schyzophenic" appears on Serial Killer Volume 1 and will be re-recorded as "Me Myself And I" appearing on All Exit Final. TV Generation / Suburbia Revenge / Dead London Calling / Mabel Is Wanderin' : extracts from the last record session of the primal line-up in the beginning of 1994 when 6 tracks where recorded, intended to be the basis of the first mythic album.

PortraitCasbah Club , FR
album by
PortraitMatthieu Bablee b, FR
PortraitJean Christophe Wauthier dr, FR
PortraitBruno Simoen g, FR
PortraitFrédéric Froger g, FR
PortraitJean-Hugues Malnar voc,
vocals, chant
PortraitPhilippe Pessard dr, FR
PortraitMathieu Rousseau dr, perc, FR
Pascal Ianigro engineer
Gilles Théolier producer
Jean-Paul Romann producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1In The EveningCasbah Club4:29
2You Make Me FuseCasbah Club3:59
3When It's Too LateCasbah Club2:59
4Each Part Of EverythingCasbah Club3:53
5Days Of SeptemberCasbah Club3:47
6TV GenerationCasbah Club3:45
7Suburbia RevengeCasbah Club3:37
8My SistershipCasbah Club6:02
9Rock n Roll CityCasbah Club2:22
10Dead London CallingCasbah Club3:59
11Mabel Is Wanderin'Casbah Club4:24
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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