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Album Cover
Cee Bee Beaumont
Activate The Cloudsley Plan

Single UK 1996 on Damaged Goods label
Rock (Surf, Garage Rock)

Recorded at Toe Rag, December 1995. King Zero (AKA Love Rat), summary of activity: Low Sling Punch, Slight Tendencies Towards Trash Bag (Art) Funk. Snider AKA (The Wild Man), summary of activity: Architect Of High Velocity Themes, Dirty But Efficient Guitar Assassin. Chef Butch (AKA Butch Chef), summary of activity: Supplier Of The Big, Bad, Back Beat, With That Tumbling Down The Staircase Feel.

PortraitCee Bee Beaumont , GB
album by
PortraitChef Butch ,
drums, trixum kit (blue sparkle finish)
PortraitKing Zero ,
guitar, burns sonic
PortraitSnider ,
guitar, fender jaguar
Liam Watson recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The Cloudsley PlanCee Bee Beaumont
2Monkey ToeCee Bee Beaumont
3Martini StompCee Bee Beaumont
4Prestressed (Radio Ad)Cee Bee Beaumont
5Chef's (Handy) MessageCee Bee Beaumont
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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