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Album Cover
Charity Bailey
Look At Michie Banjo And More Playtime Songs

Album US 1950 on Young People's Records label
Children's Music, Folk, World and (Vocal, Folk)

Age Group 2-5 Activity Record To Parents: These playtime songs have been tested and re-tested at the school and are favorites with children and parents alike. The music and lyrics of the songs invite children to respond with dramatic play and rhythmic activity. 'Michie Banjo' is a word and music picture of a funny little man whom children love to imitate. It is of Louisiana Creole origin — and is sung in the native patois* as well as in English. Children enjoy the strange sound of the patois, and after a few hearings they generally prefer to sing the song that way. 'Angelico,' another Creole play song, contains some fine imagery and humor at the pre-school level. The English lyrics to 'Michie Banjo' and 'Angelico' were written by Marion Abeson. 'Sandy Land' and 'Paw Paw Patch' are American play songs of folk origin that are ideally suited for children. * patois is the French-African dialect used by the Creoles of Louisiana and some of the West Indies. Non-breakable PERMADISC On label: For Non Commercial Use on Phonographs in Homes Only. Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Made in U.S.A. Copyright MCML Young People's Records Made in U.S.A. Also issued on Children's Record Guild CRG-729.

PortraitCharity Bailey voc, g, 1904-1978 US
vocals, sung by, album by
Marion Abeson
compiled by, adapted by, lyrics by, english
Abe Ajay artwork, cover
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Michie BanjoCharity BaileyMarion Abeson, Traditional1:14
2AngelicoCharity BaileyMarion Abeson, Traditional1:52
3Sandy LandCharity BaileyFolk1:17
4Paw Paw PatchCharity BaileyFolk1:13
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