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Charles Cohen
A Retrospective

Compil. DE 2014 on Morphine Records label
Electronic and Soundtrack (Abstract, Minimal, Experimental)

Double CD including all tracks from the vinyl editions The Middle Distance, Group Motion, and Music For Dance And Theater plus two previously unreleased bonus tracks (2-3, 2-10). 'Club Revival Performance' (1988) rehearsal for performance at a Philadelphia night club, 'The Middle Distance' (1983) a dance section of performance Art piece by Jeff Cain presented at The Painted Bride Art Center 'UTEP1 (1980) recorded at The University of Texas at El Paso Electronic Music Lab 'Dance of the Spirit Catchers' (1979) music track for the Cyclobs section of a large scale outdoor performance piece 'No Man's Land' (a retelling of Odyssey) 'Camera Dance' (1983) a dance section of Performance Art by Jeff Cain, presented at The Painted Bride Art Center, 'Sonomama' (1981) submission to Roland Synthesizer Competition, awarded 2nd Place. Recorded at The University of Texas at El Paso Electronic Music Lab, 'UTEP2' (1980) recorded at The University of Texas at El Paso Electronic Music Lab. 'Group Motion' (1989) rehearsal for performance at Group Motion Dance Theater, Philadelphia, 'Generator' (1989) rehearsal for performance at Generator Sound Art Gallery, NYC. Recorded using Buchla music Easel and Buchla 700 Series synthesizers. 'Water' (1976) for Group Motion Dance Theater, 'In Search Of Mysteries' (1977) for Temple University Theater, 'Bell Jar' (1978) for Performance Art piece by Jeff Cain, 'Blue Krishna' (1978) for Performance Art piece by Jeff Cain, 'Shopping Cart Lady' (1978) for Performance Art piece by Jeff Cain, 'The Street' (1984) for Group Motion Dance Theater, 'Overture' (1985) for People's Light and Theater Company, Malvern, PA, 'Velcro Dance' (1988) for a dance performance by Tonio Guerra, 'Sunrise Women/Men' (1987) for a dance performance by Tonio Guerra, 'Tubs' (1987) for a dance performance by Tonio Guerra 'Duo's and Solo's' (1987) for a dance performance by Tonio Guerra. 'Conundrums' (1980) featuring [...] on synthesizers. Instruments variously used: Buchla 200, Buchla 700, Buchla Music Easel, Roland TR-77, Roland 707, Casio CZ 101, EML Polybox, tape loops, multitrack recorders, EH 16 Sec Delay, Lexicon PCM 70, Anderton Matrix Drums. Mastered at Enisslab Studio, Rome Liner notes: Steve Antinoff, Writer Manfred Fischbeck, Artistic and Executive Director of Group Motion Multi Media Dance Theater On the release, track 2-1 is listed as "Dance Of The SpiritCatchers". C+P Morphine Records 2013 Packaging: two cardboard sleeves housed in a glossy slipcase, with 16 pp. booklet.

PortraitCharles Cohen syn, 1949-2017
composed by, producer, performer, all music by, album by
PortraitManfred Fischbeck ,
featuring, synthesizer, synthesizers
PortraitJeff Cain ,
Tankboys artwork
Jeff Chestek engineer, archive retrieval engineer
Gen Ken Montgomery liner notes
Jeff Cain liner notes
Manfred Fischbeck liner notes
Steve Antinoff liner notes
Neel mastered by
Charles Cohen
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Club Revival PerformanceCharles Cohen7:50
2TubsCharles Cohen5:07
3UTEP2Charles Cohen3:34
4Blue KrishnaCharles Cohen2:31
5Bell JarCharles Cohen0:27
6SonomamaCharles Cohen4:37
7Group Motion PerformanceCharles Cohen13:03
8Velcro DanceCharles Cohen3:25
9Sunrise Women-MenCharles Cohen15:40
10In Search Of MysteriesCharles Cohen2:24
11GeneratorCharles Cohen17:58
12Dance Of The Spirit CatchersCharles Cohen5:43
13Shopping Cart LadyCharles Cohen5:43
14ConundrumsCharles Cohen18:14
15Duos-SolosCharles Cohen9:00
16Camera DanceCharles Cohen5:27
17UTEP1Charles Cohen2:56
18The Middle DistanceCharles Cohen5:57
19WaterCharles Cohen5:25
20OvertureCharles Cohen6:18
21Slow Blue And HorizontalCharles Cohen11:44
22The StreetCharles Cohen2:56
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