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Album Cover
Cheryl Wheeler
Sylvia Hotel

Album US 1999 on Philo label

PortraitCheryl Wheeler voc, acg, *1951 US
acoustic guitar, vocals, vocals, choral singing, words by, written by, album by
PortraitAl Petteway acg, g, US
acoustic guitar
PortraitLarry Campbell vn, *1955 US
baritone guitar, dobro, electric guitar, pedal steel guitar
PortraitMark Egan b, *1951 US
PortraitZev Katz b,
PortraitShawn Pelton dr, perc, *1963 US
drums, percussion
PortraitMarc Shulman eg, g, *1953 US
electric guitar
PortraitBen Wisch p, har, US
harmony vocals, piano, wurlitzer, producer, engineer, mixed by
PortraitLucy Kaplansky voc, bvoc, acg, *1960 US
harmony vocals, vocals, choral singing
PortraitKenny White p,
organ, hammond, piano, piano, wurlitzer, vocals, choral singing
PortraitLloyd Landesman key,
organ, hammond
PortraitRobin Batteau vn, voc, g, *1948 US
vocals, choral singing
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1His HometownCheryl Wheeler4:04
2But the Days And Nights Are LongCheryl Wheeler3:23
3If It Were Up To MeCheryl Wheeler3:08
4Right Way to Do The Wrong ThingCheryl Wheeler3:44
5All the Live Long DayCheryl Wheeler3:47
6Sylvia HoteCheryl Wheeler3:20
7UnworthyCheryl Wheeler3:21
8Rainy Road into AtlantaCheryl Wheeler3:56
9Lighting Up the Mighty MississippiCheryl Wheeler2:58
10PotatoCheryl Wheeler2:55
11MeowCheryl Wheeler2:57
12Who Am I Foolin?Cheryl Wheeler3:50
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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