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Album Cover
Chico Buarque
Chico Buarque

Album BR 1978 on Philips label
Jazz and Latin (Bossa Nova, Samba)

Booklet with lyrics, musicians and arrangers. Special thanks to EMI-ODEON for Milton Nascimento cession.

PortraitChico Buarque voc, *1944 BR
album by, written by
PortraitMilton Nascimento voc, *1942 BR
vocals, featuring
PortraitElba Ramalho voc, *1951 BR
PortraitMarieta Severo ,
PortraitZizi Possi voc, *1956 BR
vocals, featuring
PortraitLindolfo Gaya org, key, *1921 BR
arranged by, conductor
Luigi Hoffer mixed by
Sérgio De Carvalho mixed by, producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Feijoada CompletaChico BuarqueChico Buarque2:50
2CáliceChico BuarqueChico Buarque, Gilberto Gil4:00
3Trocando Em MiúdosChico BuarqueChico Buarque, Francis Hime2:50
4O Meu AmorChico BuarqueChico Buarque4:00
5Homenagem Ao MalandroChico BuarqueChico Buarque2:50
6Até O FimChico BuarqueChico Buarque2:24
7Pedaço De MimChico BuarqueChico Buarque3:16
8PiveteChico BuarqueChico Buarque, Francis Hime2:27
9Pequena Serenata DiurnaChico BuarqueSilvio Rodríguez2:21
10Tanto MarChico BuarqueChico Buarque1:54
11Apesar De VocêChico BuarqueChico Buarque3:53
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
Other Search Results
Chico Buarque - Chico Buarque BR 1984 Latin
Chico Buarque - Chico Buarque BR 1989 Latin
Chico Buarque - Chico Buarque BR 1987 Latin
Chico Buarque - Chico Buarque FR 1989 Latin
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