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Album Cover
Chico Buarque

Compil. BR 2007 on Wrasse Records label
Latin (MPB)

From Chico Buarque De Hollanda No. 4 (1970) to Chico Buarque (1984).

PortraitChico Buarque voc, *1944 BR
album by
PortraitMilton Nascimento voc, *1942 BR
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Essa Moça Tá Diferente - That Girl Is DifferentChico Buarque
2Gente Humilde - Humble PeopleChico Buarque
3Pois É - That's It!Chico Buarque
4Cotidiano - DailyChico Buarque
5Valsinha - Small WaltzChico Buarque
6Tatuagem - TattooChico Buarque
7Cuidado Com A Outra - Be Careful With The OtherChico Buarque
8Acorda Amor - Wake Up Love!Chico Buarque
9O Que Será [À Flor Da Terra] - What Will Be (Emerging From The Earth)Chico Buarque
10Homenagem Ao Malandro - Homage To The MalandroChico Buarque
11Até O Fim - Until The EndChico Buarque
12Bye Bye Brasil - Bye Bye BrazilChico Buarque
13As Vitrines - The Show WindowsChico Buarque
14Brejo Da CruzChico Buarque
15Samba Do Grande Amor - The Great Love, SambaChico Buarque
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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