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Album Cover
Days Of Nothing

Single DE 1997 on Amphetamine Reptile Records label
Rock (Indie Rock)

Tracks 1 & 2 produced at Blackbox somewhere in France Track 3 produced at Motiv in Los Angeles There is a mistake in the credits for the song "The Alaskas": it is marked with a $ sign, crediting the recording of the song to Biff Sanders at Motiv in Los Angeles, with (miik) on drums. In reality, it was recorded during the "A Taste for Bitters" sessions, with sound engineer Peter Deimel, and drummer Christian Omar Madrigal Izzo. Therefore, the song should have been marked with the * sign, like the song "Days of Nothing".

PortraitChokebore , 1993-2005 US
producer, written by, album by
PortraitA Frank G ,
PortraitChristian Omar Madrigal Izzo dr,
PortraitMiik dr,
PortraitJonathan Kroll g,
PortraitTroy Von Balthazar voc, g,
guitar, vocals
photography by, a frank g
photography by, jonathan
photography by, miik
Brownie Mud's Dad
photography by, troy
Kevin Hanley artwork, photography by
Biff Sanders producer, engineer
Peter Deimel producer, engineer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Days Of NothingChokebore3:21
2The AlaskasChokebore2:49
3 Days Of Nothing (Full Band Winter Version)Chokebore3:29

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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