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Album Cover
Chris Connor
At The Village Gate: Early Show / Late Show

Album US 1963 on FM label
Jazz (Cool Jazz)

Catalog number is FMLP300 on labels, FM 300 on cover spine

PortraitChris Connor voc, 1927-2009 US
lead vocals, album by
PortraitRichard Davis b, *1930 US
acoustic bass
PortraitEd Shaughnessy dr, 1929-2013 US
PortraitMundell Lowe g, *1922 US
electric guitar
PortraitRonnie Ball p, 1927-1984 GB
grand piano
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Early ShowChris Connor
2Lot Of Livin' To DoChris Connor
3Any Place I Hang My Hat Is HomeChris Connor
4All Or Nothing At AllChris Connor
5Something's ComingChris Connor
6You Came A Long Way From St. LouisChris Connor
7Old Devil MoonChris Connor
8Late ShowChris Connor
9I Concentrate On YouChris Connor
10Black CoffeeChris Connor
11GoodbyeChris Connor
12Only The LonelyChris Connor
13Ten Cents a DanceChris Connor
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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