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Album Cover
Cindy Lee Berryhill
The Adventurist

Album US 2017 on Omnivore Recordings label

Released as a 6-panel Digifile.

PortraitCindy Lee Berryhill voc, g, h, *1965 US
acoustic guitar, arranged by, strings, electric guitar, guitar, noises, dishwasher, producer, voice, written by, album by
PortraitProbyn Gregory g, US
acoustic guitar, banjo, bass, treble, horns
PortraitRenata Bratt vc,
arranged by, strings, cello, keyboards, melodica
PortraitBenjamin Campbell eb, b, US
PortraitDavid J. Carpenter b,
PortraitDavid Schwartz b, cb, US
bass, bass harmonica, piano, chord, mixed by, producer, synth, strings
PortraitNelson Bragg perc, *1961 US
bass drum, drums, noises, wall heater cover, percussion, vibraphone
PortraitGlen Campbell vc,
PortraitDanny Frankel perc, dr, US
drums, noises, sheet metal, percussion
Michael Jerome Moore
Justin DiCenzo
engineer, trombone
Paula Luber
glockenspiel, vibraphone
PortraitLucy Schwartz voc, *1989 US
harmony vocals
PortraitSyd Straw voc, bvoc, US
harmony vocals
PortraitD.J. Bonebrake dr, perc, US
marimba, vibraphone
PortraitRandy Hoffman perc, US
noises, brushes on cardboard box, percussion, vibraphone
PortraitRobert Lloyd man, p,
Ben Blechman
PortraitChris Vitas vn,
Debbie Ruzinsky design
Ben Moore engineer, producer
Lee Ray engineer, mixed by, producer
Sheldon Gomberg engineer, mixed by, producer
Django Zarelli executive-producer
Stefano Zarelli executive-producer
McNevin Hayes illustration, art
Reuben Cohen mastered by
Matthew Kohn photography by
William J Berryhill photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1American CinematographyCindy Lee Berryhill3:23
2Somebody’s AngelCindy Lee Berryhill4:22
3Contemplating The Infinite (In A Kiss)Cindy Lee Berryhill3:48
4The AdventuristCindy Lee Berryhill4:28
5Information From NowhereCindy Lee Berryhill0:26
6Thanks AgainCindy Lee Berryhill3:16
7HorsepowerCindy Lee Berryhill4:58
8Jumping To ConclusionsCindy Lee Berryhill0:13
9I Like Cats / You Like DogsCindy Lee Berryhill3:58
10The HeavyCindy Lee Berryhill3:06
11Deep Sea FishingCindy Lee Berryhill4:58
12Gravity FallsCindy Lee Berryhill4:34
13An Affair Of The HeartCindy Lee Berryhill4:02
14Deep Sea DishingCindy Lee Berryhill3:06
External Links
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