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A.k.a. Rodney Clarke
Raised in Irvington, New Jersey. Growing up in a home with my brother playing hip hop, Mother playing R&B, Dads playing P-Funk and Jimi Hendrix, And my Grandfather playing Jazz, I had no other choice but to pick up an instrument. My First instrument was Keyboards in 1992, playing with a Funk-Metal band Called THE BOOTYTYME LOUNGE BAND. During which I started working with MIDI and Digital Music Programming. I played Sax while in IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL After which I received a Degree in Recording studio and Live sound Production from the INST. OF AUDIO RESEARCH in New York City in 1996, and then toured with a hardcore band called TRAIN OF THOUGHT, as a guitar tech and fill-in for Guitar and Bass when needed. In 1999 I formed the progressive metal band called A Moment Of Clarity. Releasing 2 CDs: "Night will fall" and "The Start of Something New". I was a consultant and play tester for a role playing game called The Last Exodus, Which was released in 2001 by Synister Creative Systems Music. For some time I played Bass with the Hardcore/metal bands Agents of Man and Homicidal, playing great stages like the Starland Ballroom, CBGBs, and L’amours with other great bands that you’ll find in my Friends list. I landed the Starring role as "Sammie" in the internet series XENOJACK, by writer Sean Jaffe. I have completed a Hip Hop CD titled THE SOUTHWARD SOUND SESSIONS Feat. Artists that I have worked with while I worked As an Engineer and in house Producer at The FALLOUT RECORDING ENVIRONMENT.