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Album Cover
Claude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes
Preludes, Book I

Album US 1957 on VOX label
Classical (Modern)

The front of the sleeve uses the digit "1" in the title, whereas the sleeve reverse and the center labels use the Roman numeral "I". The sleeve notes refer to the title of track A3 as "La Vent dans la plaine" but the sleeve and center label correctly show it as "Le Vent dans la plaine". © 1956 by Vox Production, Inc. New York 19, N.Y. Cover: An Afternoon at La Grande Jatte - Sam Lewisohn Collection. Courtesy: Three Lions, Inc. Dem. Side 2 Band 3 Back plate states: 11-56 Printed in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A. Re-released in 1961 with different cover art. Debussy: Preludes Book I - Note: both back plates credit a Cover Painting by Georges Seurat: "An Afternoon At Le Grande Jatte" This LP was reviewed in Billboard, Feb. 23, 1957

PortraitClaude Debussy p, 1862-1918 FR
album by
PortraitGuiomar Novaes p, 1895-1979 BR
piano, album by
Charles Stanley liner notes
Rudy Van Gelder mastered by
Georges Seurat painting, cover
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Danseuses De DelphesClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes2:55
2VoilesClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes3:23
3Le Vent Dans La PlaineClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes2:05
4Les Sons Et Les Parfum Tournet Dans L'Air Du SoirClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes3:55
5Les Collines D'AnacapriClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes3:03
6Des Pas Sur La NeigeClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes4:00
7Ce Qu'a Vu Vent D'OuestClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes3:00
8La Fille Aux Cheveux De LinClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes2:22
9La Sérénade InterrompueClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes2:20
10La Cathédrale EngloutieClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes7:50
11La Danse De PuckClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes2:25
12MinstrelsClaude Debussy, Guiomar Novaes1:54
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