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Album Cover
Cliff Richard & The Shadows
Stars Of Rock 'n' Roll

Compil. NL 1997 on EMI label
Rock (Rock’n’Roll)

"Originally issued as Rock 'n Roll Classics Vol.5". ℗ 1970 EMI Records Ltd.

PortraitCliff Richard & The Shadows ,
album by
PortraitThe Shadows , 1958-1968 GB
performer on track
PortraitCliff Richard voc, bvoc, *1940 GB
performer on track
PortraitBill Shepherd , 1927-1988 GB
arranged by
Jan Fijnheer design, sleeve
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1ApacheThe ShadowsJerry Lordan
2Move ItCliff RichardIan Samwell
3F.B.I.The ShadowsPeter Gormley
4Living DollCliff RichardLionel Bart
536-24-36The ShadowsBruce Welch, Hank Marvin, Jet Harris, Tony Meehan
6DynamiteCliff RichardIan Samwell
7Quatermaster's StoreThe ShadowsTraditional
8Please, Don't TeaseCliff RichardBruce Welch, Peter Chester
9The StrangerThe ShadowsBill Crompton, Morgan Jones
10High Class BabyCliff RichardIan Samwell
11MidnightThe ShadowsBruce Welch, Hank Marvin
12Ready TeddyCliff RichardJohn Marascalco & Robert Blackwell
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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