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Album Cover
Club Moral
Felix Culpa

Album BE 2008 on Club Moral label
Electronic (Noise, Power Electronics)

All live tracks were recorded at the Holland Festival, Paradiso, Amsterdam, 17th June 2008. Track 3:Lyrics from a Landrover manual. Track 8: Lyrics written by an anonymous psychiatric patient around 1985. Track 10: Soundtrack for an AMVK computermovie

PortraitClub Moral , *1981 BE
album by
PortraitAMVK voc,
electronics, lyrics by
PortraitDDV voc, *1959 BE
electronics, voice, tape
PortraitMauro Pawlowski g, voc, *1971 BE
PortraitJack Henry Abbott ,
lyrics by
PortraitErik Vloeberghs syn, BE
lyrics by
PortraitBertolt Brecht voc, 1898-1956 DE
lyrics by
PortraitLawrence "Pliers" Bittaker ,
lyrics by
PortraitUnknown Artist ,
lyrics by
PortraitThe Parts ,
performer on track
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1L'Enfer Est IntimeClub MoralAMVK6:55
2LiesClub MoralJack Henry Abbott7:03
3Tool For Extracting Ball JointsClub Moral8:21
4I'm A MonsterClub MoralErik Vloeberghs8:55
5On Suicide (Live)Club MoralBertolt Brecht2:40
6Cold Metal Pliers (Live)Club MoralLawrence "Pliers" Bittaker3:45
7Therapist Fears (Live)Club MoralAMVK8:26
8No Fun (Live)Club MoralUnknown Artist5:06
9I'm A Monster (Live)Club MoralErik Vloeberghs11:16
10Overhandig Dat Geweer (Film Soundtrack)Club Moral6:17
114 Safe WallsThe PartsErik Vloeberghs5:09
12I'm A MonsterThe PartsErik Vloeberghs5:44
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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