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Album Cover
Cock Robin
Cock Robin / After Here Through Midland / First Love, Last Rites

Compil. US 1992 on Columbia label
Electronic and Pop (Synth-pop, Pop Rock)

Made in Austria.

PortraitCock Robin , 1982-1990 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Cock RobinCock Robin
2Thought You Were On My SideCock Robin
3When Your Heart Is WeakCock Robin
4Just When You're Having FunCock Robin
5The Promise You MadeCock Robin
6Because It Keeps On WorkingCock Robin
7Born With TeethCock Robin
8Once We Might Have KnownCock Robin
9More Than WillingCock Robin
10A Little InnocenceCock Robin
11After HereThrough MidlandCock Robin
12Just Around The CornerCock Robin
13The Biggest Fool Of AllCock Robin
14El NorteCock Robin
15I'll Send Them Your WayCock Robin
16Another StoryCock Robin
17Coward's CourageCock Robin
18Every MomentCock Robin
19Precious DreamsCock Robin
20After Here Through MidlandCock Robin
21Firts Love, Last RitesCock Robin
22Stumble And FallCock Robin
23Straighter LineCock Robin
24Win Or LoseCock Robin
25One Joy BangCock Robin
26For Experience SakeCock Robin
27Hunting Down A KillerCock Robin
28Any More Than I Could UnderstandCock Robin
29My First ConfessionCock Robin
30ManzanarCock Robin
31Worlds ApartCock Robin
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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