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Album Cover
Coldcut & Strictly Kev
Stoned ... Chilled ... Groove

Compil. US 1997 on S.O.U.L. Vibration label
Electronic (Downtempo, Ambient)

7: Published by QMF/Warner Chappell ℗&© 1997 S.O.U.L. Vibration

PortraitColdcut , *1986 GB
album by
PortraitStrictly Kev , GB
album by
PortraitFreddy Be , US
art direction, artwork direction by, compiled by, executive producer, uncredited, curated by, uncredited, concept by, conceptualized by, photography by
Dean Serwin
legal, legal assistance
PortraitFila Brazillia , 1990-2006 GB
performer on track
PortraitReborn ,
performer on track
PortraitCharles Stewart ,
written by, producer
PortraitNick Robbins ,
written by, producer
PortraitGlobal Communication , *1992 GB
performer on track
PortraitJourneyman , GB
performer on track
PortraitDJ Food , *1990 GB
performer on track
PortraitAsian Dub Foundation , *1993 GB
performer on track
PortraitRising High Collective ,
performer on track
PortraitFreak Power , 1993-1996 GB
performer on track
PortraitBandulu , GB
performer on track
Professor Smith art direction, artwork direction by, design, photography by
Coldcut dj mix, mixed by, remix, remix, producer, additional production
Jonathan More dj mix, mixed by
Strictly Kev dj mix, mixed by
Robert Shea liner notes
Mondophonics mastered by, mastering retouches
Dr. Bliss photography by
Mark Stent producer
Rockers Hi-Fi remix, producer, additional production
Woob remix
Fila Brazillia remix, producer, additional production
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1A Zed & 2 L's (Coldcut Retouch)Fila BrazilliaDave McSherry, Steve Cobby8:42
2Right To Be (Original Rockers Epic Mix)RebornCharles Stewart, Nick Robbins2:23
3Funk In The FridgeGlobal CommunicationMark Pritchard, Tom Middleton6:55
4Maiden VoyageGlobal CommunicationMark Pritchard, Tom Middleton5:31
5Latneiro (Woobs Sunrise Dub Mix)JourneymanColin Waterton, Paul Frankland11:55
6Freedom (Fila Brazillia Remix)DJ FoodJonathan More, Matt Black, Patrick Carpenter9:17
7JerichoAsian Dub FoundationAniruddha Das, John Ashok Pandit, Lisa Thorpe5:11
8Move Ya (Coldcut Remix)Rising High Collective6:32
9Freak Power Is BeautifulFreak PowerAshley Slater, Norman Cook6:23
10Run, Run, RunBanduluJamie Bissmire, John O'Connell, Lucien Thompson6:53
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