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Album Cover
Coldstream Guards
Marches II - American & European Continental

Album JP 1989 on Denon label
Brass (March, Military)

A PCm Digital Recording. Made in Japan.

PortraitColdstream Guards , GB
album by
Roger G. Swift music director
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1AmericanColdstream Guards
2Semper FidelisColdstream Guards2:40
3King CottonColdstream Guards2:45
4The ThundererColdstream Guards2:37
5El CapitanColdstream Guards2:19
6The Washington PostColdstream Guards2:33
7The Stars and Stripes ForeverColdstream Guards3:29
8The Belle of ChicagoColdstream Guards2:12
9The Liberty BellColdstream Guards3:35
10Blaze Away !Coldstream Guards3:12
11The Purple PageantColdstream Guards3:18
12National EmblemColdstream Guards2:59
13European ContinentalColdstream Guards
14Radetzky March Op. 228Coldstream Guards2:12
15With Sword and LanceColdstream Guards2:41
16Graf Zeppelin MarschColdstream Guards2:58
17Under the Double EagleColdstream Guards2:25
18Der Jäger aus KurpfalzColdstream Guards2:03
19The Children of the RegmentColdstream Guards3:02
20Le Reve PasseColdstream Guards2:21
21El Abanico, Paso-Doble EspanolColdstream Guards2:24
22Amparito Roca, Paso-Doble EspanolColdstream Guards2:39
23La Ritirata ItalianaColdstream Guards2:10
24Ceremonial March from "AIDA"Coldstream Guards2:56
25The Slaves Chorus from "Nabucco"Coldstream Guards3:05
26Le Regiment de Sambre-et-MeuseColdstream Guards3:59
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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