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Album Cover
Copenhagen Art Ensemble

Album DK 2014 on ILK Music label
Jazz (Contemporary Jazz, Free Improvisation, Big Band)

Release Date: June 30th, 2014 Also available as CD BONUS INFO: This album is the first album document of Copenhagen Art Ensemble’s collaboration with Qarin Wikström, singer of a.o. Kostcirkeln, Sekten, Grammofunch, etc. The recording also showcases a number of young talented newcomers in the ensemble, which (under different names) can trace it’s roots all the way back to the 60's.

PortraitCopenhagen Art Ensemble , DK
album by
PortraitNils Davidsen b, *1966 DK
PortraitBjørn Heebøll dr, DK
PortraitJacob Anderskov p, ep, *1975 DK
piano, composed by
PortraitLars Greve cl, sax, *1983 DK
PortraitCarl Fredrik Reuterswärd , *1934 SE
text by, lyrics by
PortraitTure Larsen tb, *1958 DK
trombone, composed by
PortraitTomasz Dąbrowski tr, alp, PO
PortraitQarin Wikström voc, key, DK
vocals, composed by
Harmoni artwork, photography by
CAE producer
John Fomsgaard recorded by, mixed by, mastered by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1A-SideCopenhagen Art Ensemble
2SångmusCopenhagen Art Ensemble2:59
3På Samma GångCopenhagen Art Ensemble10:19
4Forna Tiders ElegansCopenhagen Art Ensemble4:24
5 Den BlindeCopenhagen Art Ensemble1:58
6 B-SideCopenhagen Art Ensemble
7 ‘Visa’ Och ‘På Samma Gång’, På Samma GangCopenhagen Art Ensemble23:20

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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