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Album Cover
Punishment For Decadence

Album DE 1988 on Noise International label
Rock (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal)

Tracks 1 & 4 are instrumental. ℗ + © 1988 Made in West-Germany. Published by Maldoror Musikverlag In U.S. only: Wintrup Music America Inc. except "Purple Haze" published by Yameta Co. Ltd in West-Germany by Chappell Musikverlag Printing variation: track 8 title given as "New Breed" on lyrics section.

PortraitCoroner , 1983-1996 CH
album by
Micha Good
artwork, skull logo
PortraitMarquis Marky dr, CH
design, cover, cover concept, lyrics by, performer, photography by, front cover, words by, '88, words by, '87
engineer, assistant, musician, guest, backing vocals
Andy M. Siegrist
management, coroner representation
New Requiem Management
management, coroner representation
PortraitRon Royce g, b, CH
music by, composed by, performer, music by, '88, music by, '87
PortraitTommy T. Baron ,
music by, composed by, performer, music by, '88, music by, '87
PortraitGary Marlowe ,
musician, guest, synthesizer, synth. eff.
PortraitJimi Hendrix voc, g, 1942-1970 US
written by, composed by, music by, lyrics by
Guy Bidmead engineer, producer
Andreas Gerhardt engineer, assistant
Karl-Ulrich Walterbach executive-producer
Alex Solca photography by, backcover
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
3Masked JackalCoroner4:46
5Skeleton On Your ShoulderCoroner5:35
6Sudden FallCoroner4:50
7Shadow Of A Lost DreamCoroner4:31
8The New BreedCoroner4:52
9Voyage To EternityCoroner3:45
10Purple HazeCoronerJimi Hendrix3:20
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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