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Album Cover
Count Basie
The Early Years

Compil. US 1982 on Book-Of-The-Month Records label

PortraitCount Basie p, 1904-1984 US
album by
PortraitBennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra ,
performer on track
PortraitJones-Smith Incorporated , US
performer on track
PortraitCount Basie Orchestra , 1935-1950 US
performer on track
PortraitBasie's Bad Boys ,
performer on track
PortraitBenny Goodman Sextet , US
performer on track
PortraitCount Basie And His All-American Rhythm Section , US
performer on track
PortraitCount Basie Octet ,
performer on track
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Oh, Eddie!Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra
2Milenberg JoysBennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra
3Shoe Shine SwingJones-Smith Incorporated
4Roseland ShuffleCount Basie Orchestra
5Smarty (You Know It All)Count Basie Orchestra
6Mama Don't Want No Peas An' Rice An' Coconut OilCount Basie Orchestra
7The Dirty DozensCount Basie
8The FivesCount Basie
9Boogie WoogieCount Basie
10Dupree BluesCount Basie
11When The Sun Goes DownCount Basie
12Red WagonCount Basie
13Live And Love TonightBasie's Bad Boys
14Nobody KnowsCount Basie Orchestra
15I Left My BabyCount Basie Orchestra
16Till Tom SpecialBenny Goodman Sextet
17Blues (I Still Think Of Her)Count Basie Orchestra
18Somebody Stole My GalCount Basie Orchestra
19Moten SwingCount Basie Orchestra
20I Want A Little GirlCount Basie Orchestra
21Gone With What DraftBenny Goodman Sextet
22It's Square But It RocksCount Basie Orchestra
23Beau BrummelCount Basie Orchestra
24Basie BoogieCount Basie Orchestra
25Fiesta In BlueCount Basie Orchestra
26Feather MerchantCount Basie Orchestra
27One O'Clock JumpCount Basie Orchestra
28Way Back BluesCount Basie And His All-American Rhythm Section
29Queer StreetCount Basie Orchestra
30Lazy Lady BluesCount Basie Orchestra
31Neal's DealCount Basie Octet
32Song Of The IslandsCount Basie Octet
33I'll Remember AprilCount Basie Octet
34NailsCount Basie Orchestra
35Little PonyCount Basie Orchestra
36Beaver JunctionCount Basie Orchestra
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