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Album Cover
Crown Heights Affair
Dream World

Album US 1978 on De-Lite Records label
Electronic and R&B/Soul (Disco)

Recorded and mixed at Blank Tapes Inc., New York, N.Y., Ultra Sonic Recording Studios Inc., Hempstedt, New York Mastered at Sterling Sound Inc., New York, N.Y. All selection BMI - published by Delightful Music Ltd. and Cabrini Publishing Co. Produced for Cabrini Productions Corporation ℗ © Copyright 1978 De-Lite Records Manufactured and marketed by Phonogram Inc., a Polygram Company Distributed by Polygram Distribution, Inc. Distributed by Phonodisc, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Also released with different labels

PortraitCrown Heights Affair , 1970-1980 US
arranged by, conductor, album by
Britt Britton
arranged by, conductor, producer, written by
Freida Nerangis
arranged by, conductor, producer, written by
PortraitArnold "Muki" Wilson b, voc,
bass, vocals, written by
PortraitRay Rock dr, perc, voc,
drums, percussion, lead vocals, written by
PortraitWilliam Anderson g, voc,
guitar, vocals, written by
PortraitHowie Young syn,
keyboards, written by
PortraitPhilip Thomas voc,
lead vocals, written by
PortraitBert Reid ts, voc,
tenor saxophone, vocals, written by
PortraitRaymond Reid tb, voc, 1952-2013 US
trombone, vocals, written by
PortraitJames Baynard tr, voc,
trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals, written by
Horace Fernandez art direction
Rafael Charres engineer, mixing
John Bradley engineer, recording, mixing
Bob Blank engineer, recording
José Rodriguez mastered by
Richard E. Aaron photography by, back cover
Joel Brodsky photography by, front cover
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Galaxy Of LoveCrown Heights AffairBritt Britton, Freida Nerangis5:48
2I Love YouCrown Heights AffairBritt Britton, Freida Nerangis, James Baynard5:33
3Say A Prayer For TwoCrown Heights AffairBert Reid, Howie Young, Philip Thomas, William Anderson6:01
4Dream WorldCrown Heights AffairBritt Britton, Freida Nerangis4:46
5Things Are Going To Get BetterCrown Heights AffairArnold "Muki" Wilson, Howie Young, Ray Rock, Raymond Reid4:25
6I'm Gonna Love You ForeverCrown Heights AffairBritt Britton, Freida Nerangis, William Anderson4:29
7CherryCrown Heights AffairBritt Britton, Freida Nerangis4:52

30sec audio samples provided by

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