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Album Cover
Cutting Crew
Compus Mentus

Album GB 1992 on Siren label
Rock (Pop Rock)

PortraitCutting Crew , 1985-1993 GB
album by
Christopher Neil producer
Rob Eaton recorded by, mixed by
Cutting Crew producer
Curtis Schwartz recorded by, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1No Bad ThingCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede4:07
2(Another One Of My) Big IdeasCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede4:03
3Frigid As EnglandCutting CrewChris Lowe, Kevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede3:37
4Julie Don't DanceCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede5:25
5If That's The Way You Want ItCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede4:06
6Need SomeoneCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede3:32
7Your Guess Is As Good As MineCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede3:21
8RicochetCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede3:37
9Sweet AuburnCutting CrewNick Van Eede5:15
10Crooked MileCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede2:55
11Don't Let It Bring DownCutting CrewKevin MacMichael, Nick Van Eede4:47
12All The Way InCutting CrewNick Van Eede2:21
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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