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Album Cover
Rock Breaks Vol. 2

Album US 2005 on Ground Original label
Hip-Hop/Rap and Rock (Breaks, DJ Battle Tool, Cut-up/DJ)

"This record contains loops, breaks, mash-ups, tones and scartch sound fx that are all rock related."

PortraitDJ JS-1 key, perc,
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Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Rock School IntroDJ JS-1
2Know & Welcome Your Enemy 2 Da Jungle (Pushin Hash Pipes / Get Used 2 It! / Let It Flow Brk)DJ JS-1
3Funky Chaotic Rock Cutz (Scratch FX Tonez Segment)DJ JS-1
4Chain Reaction Intro (Blink & Miss U Rockin W Out A Band! / Groupies In High Heelz / Mixin' Blue N Yellow Day / Frigid Play Brkdown)DJ JS-1
5Modest Terminator (Destructive Beats / Feelin Noize! / Xecuting Break)DJ JS-1
6Rockafella Intro (Funky Brown Guitar Brk / Wicked Enemy Segment / In Control Of A 7 / Nation Rock Army)DJ JS-1
7Allegiance 1 Nation Intro (Buthin' But Youth Of 1 Nation / Manson Madness Hey! / Metallic Meltdown)DJ JS-1
8No Sellout Intro (Grindin My Kashmir / 3X Dog Dare Ya! / Wide Awake Til BK!! / Todd's Grandma)DJ JS-1
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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