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Album Cover
DJ Mitsu The Beats
Universal Force

Album JP 2010 on Planetgroove label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Jazzy Hip-Hop, Boom Bap)

Tracks A1 to A3, B3, C2 to D2 recorded at Studio MSR. Track B1 recorded at Solomon Studio. Track B2 recorded at Potato Studio. Track C1 recorded at Sound Hills Studio. ℗ + © 2010 Village Again Association. Co.,Ltd / PLANETGROOVE / Jazzy Sport Productions Catalog numbers: PGLP-K1011 / K1012 appears on spine and labels PGLP-K1011-K1012 appears on back cover

PortraitDJ Mitsu The Beats bvoc, key, JP
album by, music by
PortraitRand ,
lacquer cut by
PortraitB.D. voc,
featuring, words by
PortraitHunger , JP
featuring, words by
Portrait環Roy voc,
featuring, words by
PortraitS.L.A.C.K. voc,
featuring, words by
PortraitZeebra voc, *1971 JP
featuring, words by
PortraitChinza Dopeness voc,
featuring, words by
PortraitMika Arisaka bvoc, *1974 JP
PortraitTwigy voc, *1971 JP
featuring, words by
PortraitMasaya Fantasista ,
PortraitIce Bahn ,
PortraitFork ,
words by
PortraitKit ,
words by
Portrait玉露 ,
words by
PortraitSound Market Crew ,
PortraitDoo ,
words by
PortraitKyota The Ripper ,
words by
PortraitMica The Bullwark ,
words by
Portrait荒拳 ,
words by
PortraitRino Latina II voc, JP
featuring, words by
PortraitAruma ,
featuring, words by
PortraitComa-Chi ,
featuring, words by
PortraitJay'ed voc, JP
featuring, words by
PortraitTakumi Kaneko key,
piano, keyboards
die artwork
Masaya Fantasista co-producer
Taro Kesen co-producer, management, project management
Masaya Kobayashi management, project management
Masato Morisaki mastered by
Okuda Supa mixed by, recorded by
DJ Mitsu The Beats producer
Toru Takii supervised by
Yasuhiro Komatsu supervised by
Take-C recorded by
Urban recorded by
Have A Break Beats Have A Haircut recorded by
Yasuaki Sakuma recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1思考品M.T.B.D.DJ Mitsu The Beats3:24
2昂サバイヴDJ Mitsu The Beats3:20
3孤独少年DJ Mitsu The Beats3:26
4One Hip HopDJ Mitsu The Beats3:42
5ハッスルDJ Mitsu The Beats4:03
6Only YouDJ Mitsu The Beats3:37
7SATDJ Mitsu The Beats3:55
8The Weekend SongDJ Mitsu The Beats3:36
9一曲入魂DJ Mitsu The Beats3:35
10My SimpleDJ Mitsu The Beats3:26
11Precious TimeDJ Mitsu The Beats5:43
External Links
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