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Album Cover
DJ Outblast & Korsakoff
Face 2 Face (The Mainstage Mixes)

Album NL 2007 on Masters Of Hardcore label
Dance (Hardcore, Gabber)

Track 2-10 is only credited to Angerfist (D. Masseling) only. Track 2-22 is listed on the cover as "DJ Paul - Brohym".

PortraitDJ Outblast , NL
album by
PortraitKorsakoff ttbl, *1983 NL
album by, written by
PortraitPromo , *1976 NL
performer on track
PortraitMenace II Society , NL
performer on track
PortraitAngerfist , *2001 NL
performer on track
PortraitDJ Lancinhouse ,
performer on track, written by
PortraitEndymion ,
performer on track
PortraitMasters Of Ceremony ,
performer on track
PortraitThe Stunned Guys , IT
performer on track, written by
PortraitMC Ruffian ,
featuring, uncredited
PortraitDJ Dione , *1970 NL
performer on track
PortraitBase Alert , NL
performer on track
PortraitBuzz Fuzz , NL
performer on track
PortraitMeagashira , NL
performer on track
PortraitNeophyte , *1992 NL
performer on track
PortraitThe Prophet voc, *1968
performer on track
PortraitBodylotion , NL
performer on track
PortraitPaul Elstak voc,
performer on track, written by
PortraitDiss Reaction , NL
performer on track
PortraitTommyknocker , *1977 IT
performer on track
PortraitCatscan , NL
performer on track
PortraitD-Passion , NL
performer on track
PortraitEvil Activities , *1998 NL
performer on track
PortraitArt Of Fighters , IT
performer on track
PortraitP.C.P. , ES
performer on track
PortraitBass-D & King Matthew , NL
performer on track
PortraitCrucifier ,
featuring, uncredited
PortraitOphidian , *1981 NL
performer on track
PortraitThe Masochist ,
performer on track
PortraitHuman Resource ,
performer on track
PortraitTony Salmonelli ,
performer on track
PortraitG-Shock ,
performer on track
PortraitProject Omeaga , NL
performer on track
PortraitDJ Mad Dog , *1980 IT
performer on track, written by
PortraitHard Creation , *1996 NL
performer on track
DJ Outblast dj mix, remix
Korsakoff dj mix
Catscan remix
Art Of Fighters remix
Angerfist remix
Mad-E-Fact remix
The Viper remix
Promo remix
The Stunned Guys remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Face IDJ Outblast & Korsakoff
2Never SurrenderDJ OutblastKorsakoff, Marc Out3:13
3Up YoursPromoSebastian Hoff2:25
4Chronic DisorderMenace II SocietyDanny Masseling2:09
5Take U BackAngerfistDanny Masseling3:52
6AtmosferaDJ LancinhouseDJ Lancinhouse, The Stunned Guys2:37
7The Bad GuyPromoSebastian Hoff2:23
8PaybackEndymionBart Revier, Bas Lint, Jelle Neys4:48
9Bottoms UpMasters Of CeremonyJeroen Streunding, Kelly Van Soest3:38
10ThrillseekaThe Stunned GuysCarlos Antunes, Paul Elstak, The Stunned Guys2:35
11Pain Till I DieDJ DioneErik Ypma2:12
12ZooBase AlertBart Kok, Marc Out2:39
13Toch WelleukPromoBart Kok, Sebastian Hoff3:35
14It's AlrightBuzz FuzzEugenio Dorwart, Mark Vos, Matthijs Hazeleger1:40
15Through Inner CoreMeagashiraEugene van Brakel2:55
16Brain CrackingNeophyteDanny Greten, Jeroen Streunding2:07
17Go Get IllThe ProphetDov Elkabas, Mark Vos1:37
18How Much Can You Take (Catscan Remix)BodylotionDanny Greten, Jeroen Streunding1:31
19Electro ShockingDJ OutblastDiego Buffoni, Marc Out4:10
20Bombing EardrumzPaul ElstakCarlos Antunes, Paul Elstak, The Stunned Guys3:37
21My LifestyleDJ OutblastMarc Out3:10
22JiiieehaaaaDiss ReactionPatrick Van Kerckhoven, Stephan Scheltema2:06
23Muil HouweNeophyteDanny Greten, Jeroen Streunding3:30
24Your ChoiceTommyknockerThe Stunned Guys, Tommaso Marra3:30
25Pussy MotherfuckersEndymionBart Revier, Bas Lint, Jelle Neys1:24
26Cr8tiv CounterCatscanBart Kok4:14
27Face IIDJ Outblast & Korsakoff
28Face To FaceDJ OutblastKorsakoff, Marc Out4:16
29King Of PainPromoSebastian Hoff4:11
30Blacklist AmokD-PassionRik Gieling3:47
31State Of EmergencyEvil ActivitiesKelly Van Soest, Niels Van Hoeckel2:11
32EarthquakeArt Of FightersCristian Nardelli3:05
33Midnight ImpactPromoBart Kok, Sebastian Hoff2:32
34Life Sentence For MankindDJ OutblastMarc Out4:07
35ZombieP.C.P.Dolores O'Riordan, Ruben Moreno2:09
36Survivors Of Hardcore (Art Of Fighters Remix)Bass-D & King MatthewEugenio Dorwart, Leon Hoeks, Matthijs Hazeleger2:26
37Broken ChainAngerfistDanny Masseling3:18
38My Underground MadnessPromoSebastian Hoff3:42
39ButterflyOphidianConrad Hoyer2:49
40Unleash The BeastDJ OutblastKorsakoff, Marc Out3:12
41Raise Your FistAngerfistDanny Masseling4:06
42Kill The RemixThe MasochistDov Elkabas2:17
43Dominator (Outblast & Angerfist Remix)Human ResourceGuido Pernet, Jasper Drexhage, Johan Van Beek, Larenzo Nash, Robert Mahu3:52
44Hey (The Viper & Mad-E-Fact Remix)Tony SalmonelliMark Vos3:13
45Master's SymphonyDJ OutblastEugenio Dorwart, Marc Out, Matthijs Hazeleger1:29
46Demons (Promo Remix)G-ShockGreg "Storm" Van's Gravesande1:10
47Prednison AttackProject OmeagaEugene van Brakel1:33
48Welcome DownDJ Mad DogDJ Mad Dog, Filippo Calcagni1:28
49Brohymn (This One's For The Gabbers)Paul ElstakPaul Elstak, Teenage Warning1:16
50I Will Have That Power (Stunned Guys Remix)Hard CreationDennis Copier, Jeroen Streunding4:51
51Big Boys Don't CryThe ProphetDov Elkabas1:45
52Army Of HardcoreThe Stunned GuysJeroen Streunding, The Stunned Guys3:21
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