Band, *1996 JP
A.k.a. Ryuta Nakagami Cotton Pantie's Devilfish (3) DJ Doll's Renaissance Gabbangelion:2.0 Killingscum Project Gabbangelion Shin Gabbangelion 男子十二楽坊
Being the precursor of a movement in Japan, Ryuta has been one of the first people to release hardcore techno music in Japan, originating and coining the "J-Core" term. He owns the SharpnelSound label, which hosts artists such as m1dy and M-Project and manages hardrave radio, with all management made through the GUHROOVY Store, located in Shibuya. While DJ SHARPNEL was used as a collective name of Jea and Lemmy, Lemmy started to produce less and act as a live VJ in their performances. Other aliases are used for Ryuta's releases such as Killingscum for breakcore, terrorcore and speedcore, and DJ Jea for hardstyle, although his style has derived into more of a denpa, frenchcore and hardtek style without leaving hardcore or gabber sounds behind, and the latter aliases being used less and less in favor of DJ SHARPNEL.
Title | Artist | Year | Type |
Upshft Limited | DJ Sharpnel | 2017 | Album |
Colossalcon2016 Limited | DJ Sharpnel | 2016 | Album |
完全網羅は無理でしたMix | DJ Sharpnel | 2015 | Album |
ドコミ限定 = DoKomi 2015 Limited | DJ Sharpnel | 2015 | Album |
パニソンはーこーパニック | DJ Sharpnel | 2015 | Compil. |
Xtreme Warfare EP | M-Project Vs. DJ Sharpnel | 2014 | Album |
Ver2.0 | DJ Sharpnel | 2014 | Album |
Otakuspeedvibe = オタクスピードバイブ | DJ Sharpnel | 2013 | Album |
Invisible Trigger = インビジブルトリガー | DJ Sharpnel | 2013 | Album |
Ver1.0 | DJ Sharpnel | 2013 | Album |
Welcome To The Ottack Universe | DJ Sharpnel | 2012 | Album |
Dawn Of The Kore | M-Project Vs. DJ Sharpnel | 2012 | Single |
危ないベースライン = Bassline Crisis | DJ Sharpnel | 2011 | Album |
Erectortion-02 -誘惑催眠ガール- | DJ Sharpnel | 2011 | Album |
Yonderdome Decade -10 Years Of DJ Sharpnel- = ヨンダードーム ディケイド | DJ Sharpnel | 2011 | Album |
Cyclick = サイクリック | DJ Sharpnel | 2010 | Album |
Erectortion-01 -キモチイイコト- | DJ Sharpnel | 2009 | Album |
DS Live Request Session At XH Nano | DJ Sharpnel | 2009 | Album |
Sharpnelsound Collection Volume 2 = シャープネルサウンドコレクション弐 | DJ Sharpnel | 2009 | Compil. |
妄殺オタクティクス | DJ Sharpnel | 2009 | Album |
二次元サティスファクション = 2DimensionalSatisfaction | DJ Sharpnel | 2008 | Album |
オタクオーバークロックス21 = Otaku Overclocks 21 | DJ Sharpnel | 2007 | Album |
ランニング★★★オールナイトッ!! = Running All Night | DJ Sharpnel | 2007 | Album |
Brain Violation. = 感脳侵食 | DJ Sharpnel | 2006 | Album |
Mad Breaks = マッドブレイクス | DJ Sharpnel | 2005 | Album |
Hardcore Junkieee Sampler Vol. 1 | Shadow K / DJ Sharpnel / Buzzmasta | 2005 | Album |
Operation No. 9 | M-Project vs. DJ Sharpnel | 2004 | Album |
UG☆Psyclone | DJ Sharpnel | 2004 | Album |
悩殺♥ ハードブレイク | DJ Sharpnel | 2004 | Album |
Kidz War / 30Min Harder | M-Project / DJ Sharpnel | 2003 | Album |
Life Is Game | DJ Sharpnel Feat. Jea | 2003 | Album |
猛虎EP | DJ Sharpnel Vs. M-Project | 2003 | Album |
アニメガバイト = Anime Gabba It! | DJ Sharpnel | 2003 | Album |
XRated = クロスレートっ! | DJ Sharpnel | 2002 | Album |
PPPH! -Phat, Pinky, Powerful & Hard!!- | DJ Sharpnel | 2002 | Album |
Greatest Blue!!!!! | DJ Sharpnel / M-Project | 2002 | Album |
遺言 Last Words 2002 EP | M-Project / DJ Sharpnel | 2002 | Album |
P2P = ピアッツーピアッ! | DJ Sharpnel | 2001 | Album |
S.E.X. -Sound Of EXtreme- | DJ Sharpnel | 2001 | Album |