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Daft Punk
Daft Punk MP3

Compil. RU on Монолит label
Dance (Techno, Electro)

PortraitDaft Punk , *1993 FR
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Homework - 1997Daft Punk71:33
2DaftendirektDaft Punk2:45
3Wdpk 83.7 FmDaft Punk0:27
4Revolution 909Daft Punk5:35
5Da FunkDaft Punk5:21
6PhœnixDaft Punk4:56
7FreshDaft Punk4:01
8Around The WorldDaft Punk7:07
9Rollin' & Scratchin'Daft Punk7:27
10TeachersDaft Punk2:52
11High FidelityDaft Punk6:00
12Rock'n RollDaft Punk7:32
13Oh YeahDaft Punk2:00
14Burnin'Daft Punk6:53
15Indo Silver ClubDaft Punk4:32
16AliveDaft Punk5:15
17Funk AdDaft Punk0:50
18Discovery - 2001Daft Punk57:38
19One More TimeDaft Punk5:21
20AerodynamicDaft Punk3:27
21Digital LoveDaft Punk4:58
22Harder, Better, Faster, StrongerDaft Punk3:44
23CrescendollsDaft Punk3:29
24NightvisionDaft Punk1:44
25SuperheroesDaft Punk3:57
26High LifeDaft Punk3:18
27Something About UsDaft Punk3:51
28VoyagerDaft Punk3:45
29Veridis QuoDaft Punk5:42
30Short CircuitDaft Punk3:24
31Face To FaceDaft Punk3:58
32Too LongDaft Punk10:00
33Daft Club - 2003Daft Punk68:25
34OuvertureDaft Punk2:40
35Aerodynamic (Daft Punk Remix)Daft Punk6:11
36Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (The Neptunes Remix)Daft Punk5:11
37Face To Face (Cosmo Vitelli Remix)Daft Punk4:55
38Phoenix (Basement Jaxx Remix)Daft Punk7:53
39Digital Love (Boris Dlugosch Remix)Daft Punk7:30
40Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Jess & Crabbe Remix)Daft Punk6:01
41Face To Face (Demon Remix)Daft Punk7:01
42Crescendolls (Laidback Luke Remix)Daft Punk5:26
43Aerodynamic (Slum Village Remix)Daft Punk3:37
44Too Long (Gonzales Version)Daft Punk3:13
45Voyager (Dominique Tortis Wildstyle Edit)Daft Punk6:34
46Something About Us (Love Theme From Interstella 5555)Daft Punk2:13
47Human After All - 2005Daft Punk45:24
48Human After AllDaft Punk5:19
49The Prime Time Of Your LifeDaft Punk4:23
50Robot RockDaft Punk4:47
51Steam MachineDaft Punk5:21
52Make LoveDaft Punk4:45
53The BrainwasherDaft Punk4:07
54On/OffDaft Punk0:18
55Television Rules The NationDaft Punk4:44
56TechnologicDaft Punk4:43
57EmotionDaft Punk6:57
58Alive Deluxe Edition - 2007Daft Punk72:18
59Robot Rock - Oh YeahDaft Punk6:24
60Touch It - TechnologicDaft Punk5:25
61Television Rules The Nation - CrescendollsDaft Punk4:50
62Too Long - Steam MachineDaft Punk7:01
63Around The World - Harder Better Faster StrongerDaft Punk5:42
64Burnin' - Too LongDaft Punk6:56
65Face To Face - Short CircuitDaft Punk4:43
66One More Time - AerodynamicDaft Punk6:10
67The Brainwasher - The Primetime Of Your Live - Steam MachineDaft Punk3:31
68Da Funk - DaftendirektDaft Punk6:17
69Superheroes - Human After AllDaft Punk5:12
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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