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Album Cover
Daniel J. White
Vin, Bière Et Carnaval

Album FR 1978 on Editions Montparnasse 2000 label
Brass, Folk, World and (Country, Brass Band, March)

March And Country Music for Radio and T.V., Musical Illustrations, Film Music. Ces disques sont destinés à faciliter le travail des illustrateurs sonores de radio, de télévision et de cinéma. Nous les remercions à l'avance de bien vouloir marquer les titres utilisés sur les feuilles de Droits d'Auteurs. Ces disques peuvent être utilisés par les cinéastes amateurs, pour les projections privées. [These records are intended as sonic backgrounds for radio, television and cinema. We give our thanks in advance for crediting these compositions on copyright forms. These records can be used by amateur filmmakers, in private screenings.] This is effectively the soundtrack release for Patrice Rhomm's 'Elsa Fräulein SS' (1977), as attested to by many of the track titles themselves. This in itself is rather interesting, as whilst the vast majority of White's recordings have always been marketed as generic library records, this hints at the fact that many were clearly recorded for the actual films themselves but then released as library records (rather than vice versa, which is / was the more commonplace practice, of course).

PortraitDaniel J. White , 1912-1997 FR
composed by, music by, album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Elsa Von HambourgDaniel J. White1:50
2Ein, Zwei, MarcheDaniel J. White2:15
3L'éléphant Et La Puce (Elephant And Flea)Daniel J. White3:17
4Vin, Bière Et Carnaval (Wine, Beer And Carnival)Daniel J. White2:25
5Elsa Von HambourgDaniel J. White2:07
6Vin, Bière Et Carnaval (Wine, Beer And Carnival)Daniel J. White2:30
7Illusions Perdues (Lost Delusion)Daniel J. White3:30
8Aurore Diaprée N°2 (Diapered Dawn)Daniel J. White3:15
9Images ChampêtresDaniel J. White
10Onde Irisée (Iridescent Shower)Daniel J. White2:25
11Aube Diaphane (Diaphanus Dawn)Daniel J. White2:50
12Aurore Diaprée N°1 (Diapered Dawn)Daniel J. White3:10
13Tièdeur Du Soir (Evening Mildness)Daniel J. White2:45
14Soleil Voilé (Veiled Sun)Daniel J. White2:30
15Fraîcheur D'étéDaniel J. White3:05
16Rosée Céleste (Dew From Heaven)Daniel J. White2:33
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