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Album Cover

Album SE 2005 on Columbia label
Hip-Hop/Rap and Pop (Pop Rock, RnB/Swing)

PortraitDarin bvoc, *1987 SE
album by, written by
Magnus Norlén
photography by, skyline
PortraitRedOne , *1972 SE
arranged by, engineer, producer, programmed by, recorded by, instruments, all, mixed by, edited by, vocals, written by
PortraitFred Maher dr, perc, *1964 US
mixed by, edited by, vocals
PortraitPär Westerlund ,
keyboards, programmed by
PortraitRichard Brandén ,
pedal steel guitar, programmed by
PortraitAlex "CAT" Cantrall ,
arranged by, vocals, written by
PortraitDamon Sharpe , US
arranged by, vocals, written by
PortraitGeorge Samuelson ,
arranged by, vocals, producer, programmed by, instruments, all, mixed by, producer, vocals, written by, mixed by, programmed by, instruments, all
PortraitRichie Jones perc, dr, key, US
arranged by, vocals, mixed by, producer, vocals
PortraitPer Ekdahl ,
arranged by, strings
PortraitGhost ,
arranged by, mixed by, producer, recorded by, instruments, all other
PortraitJerker Eklund g, SE
PortraitMårten Eriksson voc, g,
recorded by, strings, recorded by, strings and grand piano
PortraitStockholm Session Strings ,
PortraitCharlie Strandberg ,
vocals, children
PortraitJennifer Holmgren ,
vocals, children
PortraitKevin Gubbins ,
vocals, children
PortraitMarcus Holmgren ,
vocals, children
PortraitNikita Bergum ,
vocals, children
PortraitJimmy Ahxner ,
PortraitTomas Granlind ,
mixed by, programmed by, instruments, all, written by
PortraitJoakim Milder ts, sax, *1965 SE
arranged by, strings
PortraitPål Svenre key, *1964 SE
grand piano
PortraitJimmy Wahlsteen g, SE
Daniel Breitholtz a&r
Petter Eriksson a&r
Jon Bergsman design
Micke Hagerman management
Björn Engelmann mastered by
Thomas Eberger mastered by
Pysse Holmberg photography by
Darin backing vocals
RedOne backing vocals
Fred Maher backing vocals
Jeanette Olsson backing vocals
S:t James backing vocals
Niklas Flyckt mixed by
Jörgen Elofsson producer
Pär Westerlund producer
Richard Brandén producer
Richie Jones backing vocals
George Samuelson producer
Tomas Granlind producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2MoveDarinBilal Hajji, Darin, RedOne3:44
3Step UpDarinBilal Hajji, Darin, RedOne3:07
4Who's That GirlDarinJörgen Elofsson3:26
5Doin DirtDarinAlex "CAT" Cantrall, Damon Sharpe, George Samuelson3:12
6LauraDarinBilal Hajji, Darin, RedOne2:53
7Walk The DistanceDarinJörgen Elofsson, Terry Cox, Tommy Ekman3:14
8B What U Wanna BDarinBilal Hajji, Darin, RedOne3:30
9Want Ya!DarinDarin, George Samuelson, Tomas Granlind3:19
10U Don't Hear MeDarinBilal Hajji, Darin, RedOne4:16
11Sail The OceanDarinHarry Sommerdahl, Kinnda Hamid, Rebecca Hortlund4:23

30sec audio samples provided by

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