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David Koller

dr, voc, *1960 CZ, Prague
Singer / Musician / Composer / Producer of Rock and Pop

David Koller (born 27 September 1960 in Prague) is a Czech musician and record producer. He started his career in early eighties as a drummer of Jasná Páka. He founded Lucie in 1985 and remained there until 2005. The group was reunited in 2012. In 2008, he was short-time member of Chinaski and he leads his own group Kollerband. He is also record producer for Miro Žbirka, Oskar Petr, Lucie Bílá and many others. Together with artist David Černý and filmmaker Alice Nellis, he opened a multicultural center MeetFactory in 2007.

  • Drums
  • Vocals
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Percussion
  • Synthesizer
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Alternative
  • Electronic
Popular Tracks   
Ty jsi jako já on Hity & příběhy by Michal Hruza
Gypsy Love on ČeskosLOVEnsko by David Koller
Chci zas v tobe spat on David Koller by David Koller
Stejný on Stejný by David Koller
Chci zas v tobě spát on Chci zas v tobě spát by David Koller
Pouta on LP XXIII by David Koller
Není o čem on LP XXIII by David Koller
Gypsy Love - Koller's Version on David Koller Best of by David Koller

Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Members

Title Artist Year Type
Srdeční PříběhMichal Ambrož + David Koller2016Album
ČeskosLOVEnskoDavid Koller2015Album
Teď A TadyDavid Koller2010Album
Special EditionDavid Koller2007Single
Nic Není Na StáloDavid Koller2006Single
Nic Není NastáloDavid Koller2006Album
KolážVlastimil Třešňák, Milan Korman, David Koller1995Album
Hudba Z Filmu Poslední PřesunMichal Dvořák & David Koller1995Album
Best Of PlzeňBurma Jones, Alice, Nastřižené Vlasy & David Koller1994Compil.
Hudba Z Filmu AmerikaMichal Dvořák & David Koller1994Album
David KollerDavid Koller1993Album
Na Mě Zapomeň / Chci Zas V Tobě SpátDavid Koller1993Single
Troubit Na Trumpety By Se Nám Líbilo / Necelá SlovaDavid Koller, Lucie / Avocado1989Single
Pár Fíglů / To Jsem JáDavid Koller, Lucie1988Single
Dřív Smířlivá • MajolenkaLešek Semelka • David Koller1985Single
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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