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Album Cover
De Kift

Album NL 2008 on V2 Records label
Rock, Pop, Folk, World and (Acoustic, Folk, Avant-garde, Experimental)

DeLuxe edition: CD comes inside an old cookery book cut to CD-box-format. It includes recipes (partly because cut to CD-box-format), info and lyrics in Dutch, French and English. Since the cover is made of (part of) cookery books and diffent books are used, there are various different covers.

PortraitDe Kift , *1988 NL
album by
PortraitKoen Schouten bs,
baritone saxophone, alto saxophone
PortraitPatrick Votrian tu, tb,
trombone, choir, tuba, baritone, bass tuba, bass-tuba, arranged by
PortraitMathijs Houwink eb,
bass, guitarrón, banjo, choir
PortraitTommie Freke ,
PortraitOnno Kortland b, cb, voc, key,
double bass
PortraitWim Ter Weele dr,
drums, choir, guitar, banjo, mixed by, artwork by, design, percussion, tin cans, drums, drum-bicycle
PortraitPim Heijne g,
guitar, steel drums, vibraphone, theremin, banjo, bass, e-bow, choir, steel guitar, slide solo, composed by, guitar, intro
Hans 'T Mannetje
other, drum-bicycle
André Amato
other, heavenly recipes
PortraitFrank Van Den Bos key, voc,
piano, accordion, choir, vocals, 2nd
PortraitJan Heijne tr, bvoc,
PortraitHan Hulscher tr,
trumpet, choir, lyrics by, text editing, bass trumpet, bass-trumpet
Lex Bak
vibraphone, marimba
Mirte Hulscher-Ruks
PortraitMarco Heijne st-d, voc,
choir, steel drums, vocals, 2nd
PortraitFerry Heijne voc, tr,
vocals, trumpet, trombone, guitar, recorded by, mixed by, lyrics by, selection & adaption, composed by, except where stated different, tuba, baritone
PortraitMarcel Baars ,
arranged by, marimba
Jos Kley layout, lay-out lyricspart
Hay Zeelen mastered by
Douke Van Der Ploeg painting, painting drum-bicycle
Erik Christenhusz photography by
Danny Gras recorded by, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1KnoeckDe Kift3:58
2BeguineDe Kift3:30
3RecordDe Kift2:49
4SherryDe KiftNiels De Wit3:17
5Eeuwige BewonderaarDe KiftPim Heijne6:11
6VleesmolenDe Kift2:15
7De RivierDe KiftPim Heijne3:31
8PortiekDe KiftDolf Planteijdt2:30
9ZilverstukDe Kift2:29
10LocomotiefDe Kift2:13
11Alleenstaande LedematenDe KiftPim Heijne1:46
12ToenDe Kift2:49
13Heisa-HoDe Kift2:31
14HoofdkaasDe Kift6:33
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