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Album Cover
De Sprooksprekers
Eindhalte Fantoomstad

Album NL 1997 on Djax Records label

De Sprooksprekers are a occasional project of some Dutch Poets (amongst others, Olaf Zwetsloot and Serge Van Duinhoven), dutch rappers (a. o. Def P. of Osdorp Posse) and musicians. The songs here are poems put on music and poetry written to music. Only a very small amount of the lyrics are rapped. Lyrics/texts are in Dutch. The music is electronical, ranging from different styles. In spite of the rappers working with the project, none of the songs are what i would call hip hop. The cd comes with in a package that also contains the book with all the texts and lyrics

PortraitDe Sprooksprekers , NL
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Eindhalte FantoomstadDe Sprooksprekers4:08
2KraaiennestDe Sprooksprekers2:54
3RailsDe Sprooksprekers1:43
4De Laatste StopDe Sprooksprekers3:45
5De Civitate DeiDe Sprooksprekers1:55
6Nocturne 2000De Sprooksprekers2:08
7Demolition ManDe Sprooksprekers1:27
8ModulatieDe Sprooksprekers2:34
9MetropolisDe Sprooksprekers2:56
10NoachDe Sprooksprekers4:16
11OverkantDe Sprooksprekers3:35
12Paranoia Paradijs/Zombie TownDe Sprooksprekers7:45
13KansspelenDe Sprooksprekers3:43
14HagedissenkoninginDe Sprooksprekers4:48
15Dromend Van Verkeerde KoffersDe Sprooksprekers5:30
16TuttodiscoDe Sprooksprekers3:29
17SleurDe Sprooksprekers4:31
18NachtDe Sprooksprekers3:57
19Ballade Voor Een KosmonautDe Sprooksprekers2:40
20We Zien Ons Aan Het Einde Van Een TV-filmDe Sprooksprekers2:41
21AfscheidDe Sprooksprekers2:14
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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