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Album Cover
Dead Neighbours
Wild Women Vs Rubber Fish!

Compil. UK 1985 on Sharko 2 label
Rock (Alternative Rock, Psychobilly, Indie Rock)

"Tracks 7,8,9,10 and 13 manifested themselves onto tape on 16th May '83 under supervision of the being who passes himself among humanity as Jon Turner. Eventually, he will be made to talk. Tracks 3,4,5 and 6 arrived on this plane in a mysterious, and to this day, completely unfathomable manner. 1,2,11 and 12 were the result of the most recent and dramatic example of the phenomena yet witnessed. In Palladium (incidentally the very element used in the construction of the famed and dreaded Arrakeesh Brainstones.) Recording Studios, Edinburgh. Actual cases of possession were reported! The musicians responsible are now being observed by the highest authority. Producer Kieth Mitchell is now in retreat. These songs speak for themselves to those with ears to listen and money to purchase. Don't leave it too late..." This compilation ℗ and © 1985 Sharko 2/Nightshift ℗ and © 1985 Sharko 2 - Distribution by Fast Forward and The Cartel

PortraitDead Neighbours ,
album by
Keith Mitchell producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Ghost TrainDead Neighbours3:06
2My DesireDead Neighbours2:10
3The RoomDead Neighbours3:06
4Crazy WolfmanDead Neighbours2:35
5Island Of The Living DeadDead Neighbours2:51
6Crawlin' ViperDead Neighbours2:55
7Devils CryDead Neighbours2:24
8Love BitesDead Neighbours1:26
9Drive Me InsaneDead Neighbours3:09
10Too YoungDead Neighbours3:32
11Beauty And The BeastDead Neighbours2:32
12Tell Me WhyDead Neighbours2:26
13Hells OwnDead Neighbours4:03
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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