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Album Cover
Death Cab For Cutie

Album US 2005 on Atlantic label
Rock (Indie Rock)

Recorded in the barn at Longview Farms, North Brookfield, Massachusetts. Mixed at Smart Studios, Madison, Wisconsin. Track 8 mixed at Sound Track, New York, New York. Additional recording at Avast!, Robert Lang Studios, and The Hall of Justice, and Skrocki, all located in Seattle, Washington. Mastered at SAE Mastering, Phoenix, Arizona.

PortraitDeath Cab For Cutie , US
album by
PortraitBen Gibbard voc, *1976 US
lyrics by, music by, performer
PortraitChris Walla g, *1975 US
mixed by, music by, performer, producer, recorded by
PortraitBeau Sorenson ,
mixed by, invaluable guidance, recorded by, additional
PortraitJason McGerr dr, US
music by, performer
PortraitNicholas Harmer b, *1975 DE
music by, performer
Mike Lapierre
recorded by, additional, recorded by, help from, at longview farms
PortraitRobbie Skrocki dr,
recorded by, additional, recorded by, help from, at the hall of justice
PortraitKevin Suggs g, US
recorded by, help from, at avast!
PortraitStuart Hallerman ,
recorded by, help from, at avast!
Ben Slater
recorded by, help from, at longview farms
Austin Sousa
recorded by, help from, at robert lang studios
PortraitJustin Armstrong , US
recorded by, help from, at robert lang studios
PortraitWilliam Swan ,
PortraitSean Nelson voc, *1973 US
harmony vocals, harmonies
Mary Gormley a&r
Sam Riback a&r
Adde Russell artwork by, layout
Jordan Kurland management
Lonya Nenashev mixed by, assistant
Mike Zirkel mixed by, assistant
Kip Beelman recorded by, additional
Chris Shaw mixed by
Ben Gibbard
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Marching Bands Of ManhattanDeath Cab For Cutie4:12
2Soul Meets BodyDeath Cab For Cutie3:50
3Summer SkinDeath Cab For Cutie3:14
4Different Names For The Same ThingDeath Cab For Cutie5:08
5I Will Follow You Into The DarkDeath Cab For Cutie3:09
6Your Heart Is An Empty RoomDeath Cab For Cutie3:39
7Someday You Will Be LovedDeath Cab For Cutie3:11
8Crooked TeethDeath Cab For Cutie3:23
9What Sarah SaidDeath Cab For Cutie6:20
10Brothers On A Hotel BedDeath Cab For Cutie4:31
11Stable SongDeath Cab For Cutie3:42
External Links
Discogs Logo Discogs  iTunes Logo iTunes

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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