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Album Cover
Deerhoof / Nautical Almanac vs. Bullroarer
Basement Party

Album US 2000 on Broke Up Records label
Electronic and Rock (Experimental)

Album has a alternate title (as seen on cover) called 'Live at Happy Punk 97 - Boston'. Track 13: Left channel: Deer Hoof and Eloe Omoe Right channel: Scabs and Bullroarer Each band was recorded mono on one channel of a four track so that when all tracks are played together a happy noise abounds. Enjoy Produced by J-Bone at White Arc Studios 1999 Broke Up Records 1999 Distributed by Massive Distribution 2000

PortraitDeerhoof , *1994 US
album by
PortraitNautical Almanac , *1994 US
album by
PortraitDeerhoof And Eloe Omoe / Scabs ,
performer on track
ManHo Tom cover, cover art
J-Bone producer, recorded by
C-Town recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Live At The Happy Punk Basement In Allston Mass.Deerhoof / Nautical Almanac vs. Bullroarer
9Baldyga Funeral Home BasementDeerhoof / Nautical Almanac vs. Bullroarer
10UntitledNautical Almanac
11UntitledNautical Almanac
12UntitledNautical Almanac
13UntitledNautical Almanac
14UntitledNautical Almanac
15Infinite Blob Conglomeration (Live At The Happy Punk)Deerhoof And Eloe Omoe (2) / Scabs (4)
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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