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Album Cover
Nuages Du Monde

Album CA 2006 on Nettwerk label
Electronic and Pop (New Age, Ambient)

Identical to the U.S. release in outer packaging. CD reads "Made in Canada" instead. ℗©2006 Nettwerk Productions. USA: Manufactured and Marketed by Nettwerk Records LLC. CANADA: Manufactured & Marketed by Nettwerk Productions Ltd. 1: Vocal recorded at Glenn Gould Studios, Toronto. 4: Vocals recorded as Systems Two, Brooklyn NY. 7: Vocals recorded at the Armoury Studios, Vancouver. 8: Vocals recorded at 'The Shed' in Kirsty's garden. 9: Song features a portion of Mediæval Bæbes recording 'Umlahi' from their album Mirabilis. 10: Vocals recorded at INFLUX Studios in Berne, CH. 11: Vocals recorded at Mushroom Studios, Vancouver, BC. 2, 3, 5: Vocals recorded at each respective vocalist's home studio.

PortraitDelerium , *1987 CA
album by
PortraitDario Acosta ,
photography, isabel bayrakdarian
Marcus Wimmer
photography, jaël
Piers Atkinson
photography, katharine blake
PortraitGeorge Whiteside ,
photography, kiran ahluwalia
PortraitKharen Hill , US
photography, bill leeb, photography, kirsty thirsk
James Suttom
photography, mediæval bæbes
Asako Ishikawa
photography, rhys fulber
PortraitZoë Johnston voc, *1976 GB
photography, zoë johnston, recorded by, vocals, vocals, featuring, written by
PortraitRhys Fulber key, perc, *1970 CA
producer, programmed by, written by
PortraitLeah Randi voc, b, *1970 US
PortraitAndy Holt ,
programmed by, additional programming, producer, additional production
PortraitBill Bell p, org, man, CA
recorded by, vocal
PortraitIsabel Bayrakdarian voc, *1974 CA
vocals, featuring
PortraitPete Davies ,
programmed by, additional programming
PortraitMediæval Bæbes , *1997 GB
vocals, featuring, written by
PortraitKatharine Blake voc, rec, *1970 GB
recorded by, vocals, vocals, featuring, written by
PortraitRoy Salmond key, p, uke, acg,
guitar, piano, keyboards, additional
PortraitMichael Marciano , US
recorded by, vocals
PortraitKiran Ahluwalia voc, CA
vocals, featuring, written by
PortraitKristy Thirsk voc, CA
recorded by, vocals, vocals, featuring, written by
PortraitChris Elliott str,
orchestrated by, orchestral arrangement by, written by, arranged by, choir and string
PortraitChris Potter ep, CA
recorded by, vocals
PortraitKirsty Hawkshaw voc, ep, *1969 GB
producer, vocal production, vocals, featuring, written by
PortraitLuk Zimmermann g, str, *1973 CH
recorded by, vocals
PortraitJaël voc, *1979 CH
vocals, featuring, written by
PortraitGreg Reely , CA
recorded by, vocals
PortraitGreg Froese ,
Greg Reely mixed by
Bill Leeb producer
Tom Hill producer, vocal production
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1AngelicusDeleriumBill Leeb, Rhys Fulber, Serouj Kradjian5:10
2ExtollereDeleriumBill Leeb, Katharine Blake, Rhys Fulber5:32
3The Way You Want It To BeDeleriumBill Leeb, Rhys Fulber, Zoë Johnston4:52
4IndoctrinationDeleriumBill Leeb, Kiran Ahluwalia, Rhys Fulber5:26
5Self-SaboteurDeleriumBill Leeb, Kristy Thirsk, Rhys Fulber4:24
6Tectonic ShiftDeleriumBill Leeb, Brendan Perry, Chris Elliott, Lisa Gerrard, Rhys Fulber7:11
7LumenisDeleriumBill Leeb, Rhys Fulber, Serouj Kradjian6:45
8Fleeting InstantDeleriumBill Leeb, Kirsty Hawkshaw, Rhys Fulber4:06
9Sister Sojourn GhostDeleriumBill Leeb, Mediæval Bæbes, Rhys Fulber4:52
10Lost And FoundDeleriumBill Leeb, Jaël, Rhys Fulber4:06
11ApparitionDeleriumBill Leeb, Chris Elliott, Rhys Fulber5:04
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