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Deller Consort

Band, 1948-1986 GB

Founded 1950 by Alfred Deller (Counter-tenor, 1912 - 1979) as conductor and soloist in a repertoire of early English music. From 1955 until 1979, they toured internationally, setting a high standard for authentic performance practices of Baroque music, ranging from Bach and Händel through John Blow, Henry Purcell and John Dowland. In 1964, Deller's son, Mark, joined the Deller Consort, also as a Counter-tenor, and leads it today.

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Ottavo libro de' madrigali (Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi ...), Venice, 1638 -Dolcissimo uscignolo, 'cantato à voce piena, alla francese' (sv161) on Alfred Deller: Madrigals, Complete Deller Vol. 5 by Alfred Deller & Deller Consort
Ottavo libro de' madrigali (Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi ...), Venice, 1638: Ninfa che scalza il piede e sciolto il crine (sv160) -Part II: Qui deh meco t'arresta, ove di fiori on Alfred Deller: Madrigals, Complete Deller Vol. 5 by Alfred Deller & Deller Consort
Ottavo libro de' madrigali (Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi ...), Venice, 1638 -Chi vole aver felice e lieto il core, 'cantato à voce piena, alla francese' (sv162) on Alfred Deller: Madrigals, Complete Deller Vol. 5 by Alfred Deller & Deller Consort
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Track list and 30sec audio provided by

Band Membership

Title Artist Year Type
Christmas Carols And MotetsAlfred Deller, Deller Consort2008Album
King Arthur (1)Henry Purcell – Deller Consort & The Deller Choir / The King's Musick / Alfred Deller2007Compil.
King Arthur (2) ; The Folksong RecitalHenry Purcell – Deller Consort & The Deller Choir / The King's Musick / Alfred Deller2007Compil.
La Renaissance AnglaiseDeller Consort, Alfred Deller2004Album
50 Years Of The Deller Consort (The Early Years 1955-1963)Alfred Deller, Deller Consort2000Album
The Two Great Cycles: Lagrime D'amante Al Sepolcro Dell'amata / Lamento D'ariannaClaudio Monteverdi, Deller Consort2000Album
The Joy Of CarolsChoir Of Worcester Cathedral, Tewkesbury Abbey Choir, The King's College Choir Of Cambridge, Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra, Košice, Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia, Deller Consort1997Album
The English Madrigal School / The Bach GuildAlfred Deller, Deller Consort1994Album
The Cries Of London - The Cruel Mother And Other English Ballads And Folk SongsAlfred Deller, Deller Consort1994Album
Il Ballo Delle Ingrate / Lamento D'AriannaClaudio Monteverdi, Alfred Deller, Deller Consort1994Album
The Masque In Dioclesian (Instrumental Music For The Play)Henry Purcell, Deller Consort, Concentus Musicus Wien, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Alfred Deller1993Album
The Fairy QueenDeller Consort, Henry Purcell, Alfred Deller, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra1992Album
O Solitude (Chants Et Anthems)Henry Purcell - Deller Consort1992Album
Come Ye SonsHenry Purcell, Alfred Deller, Deller Consort1991Compil.
Olinda Theatre Music & Sacred SongsHenry Purcell, Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1990Album
The Complete MassesWilliam Byrd, Deller Consort1990Album
Madrigale & Chansons aus England Italien FrankreichDeller Consort1990Album
Messe Nostre Dame a 4Deller Consort1990Album
Vespro Della Beata VergineClaudio Monteverdi - Deller Consort, Orchestre National De France, Choeurs Et Maîtrise De L'O.R.T.F., Maurice Le Roux1990Album
Chant GregorienDeller Consort, Alfred Deller1990Album
Intégrale Des MessesWilliam Byrd, Deller Consort1989Album
MessesWilliam Byrd - Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1989Album
Welcome To All The Pleasures - OdesHenry Purcell : Deller Consort / Alfred Deller1988Album
Tenebrae IICarlo Gesualdo, Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1985Album
Laudate Pueri / Nisi DominusGeorg Friedrich Händel, Deller Consort, Mark Deller1985Album
Ayres & Lute - LessonsJohn Dowland / Deller Consort / Mark Deller1984Album
Documenti Sonori: Il Canto Cristiano E La Monodia Profana - Canto Gregoriano / Perotino / AnonimoNova Schola Gregoriana Direttore Luigi Agustoni / Collegium Aureum / Deller Consort1983Album
Documenti Sonori - Affermazione Della Polifonia: Messa Di Notre-Dame / MottettiGuillaume De Machaut / Deller Consort / Collegium Aureum / Josquin Des Prés / Tölzer Knabenchor / Pro Cantione Antiqua Direttore Nova Press1983Album
Chant Gregorien Volume 6Deller Consort1981Album
Cantiones Sacrae (1575)William Byrd / Deller Consort1981Album
Claude Le Jeune/MesseDeller Consort1980Album
Laudate Pueri / Nisi Dominus / Salve ReginaGeorg Friedrich Händel, Deller Consort, The King's Musick, Roderick Skeaping, Rosemary Hardy, Honor Sheppard, Christopher Royall, Paul Elliott, Maurice Bevan1980Album
Musik An Notre Dame Um 1200Pérotin - Deller Consort1979Album
Gregorianische Gesänge Folge 7 - MarienfesteDeller Consort1979Album
King ArthurHenry Purcell - Deller Consort / The Deller Choir / The King's Musick, Alfred Deller1979Album
Gregorian Chants - Wedding of CanaDeller Consort1979Album
Les Triomphes D'OrianeThomas Morley - Deller Consort • The Morley Consort1979Album
Tavern Songs, Catches And GleesDeller Consort1979Album
English Songs & MadrigalsDeller Consort, Alfred Deller1979Album
Chants A La ViergeDeller Consort1979Album
Ballets & MadrigauxClaudio Monteverdi, Deller Consort, Collegium Aureum1979Album
Gregorianische Gesänge 4Deller Consort1978Album
Chant GrégorienDeller Consort1978Album
Gregorian Chants - Elegies For Kings And PrincesDeller Consort1978Album
Œuvres Sacrees Volume 1Carlo Gesualdo - Deller Consort1978Album
Deller ConsortDeller Consort1977Album
The English Madrigal SchoolAlfred Deller, Deller Consort1977Album
La Renaissance AnglaiseDeller Consort1977Album
Chansons De Tavernes Et De ChapellesHenry Purcell - Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1977Album
The Art of Alfred DellerAlfred Deller, Deller Consort1977Album
Canti Gregoriani 5 - Le Nozze Di CanaDeller Consort1977Album
Ode On The Death Of Mr. Henry PurcellJohn Blow, Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1976Album
Ayres Pour Solistes, Flûtes à Bec Et ContinuoHenry Purcell - Deller Consort1976Album
Canti Gregoriani 3 - Processioni Di PasquaDeller Consort1976Album
Canti Gregoriani 4 - Elegie Per I Re Ed I PrincipiDeller Consort1976Album
Les Noces De Cana: Thèmes De Drames LiturgiquesDeller Consort1975Album
Elegies Pour Les Rois Et Les PrincesDeller Consort, Alfred Deller1975Album
Messe À Quatre Voix Avec Trombones / La Naissance Du BaroqueClaudio Monteverdi, Alessandro Grandi, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Giovanni Bassano, Clemencic Consort, Deller Consort1975Album
Canti Gregoriani Vol. 2Deller Consort1975Album
"Anthems" Pour Soli, Choeurs, Cordes & OrgueHenry Purcell - Deller Consort1975Album
Chant GregorienDeller Consort1974Album
Chant Gregorien II - Le Jeu Pascal De PragueDeller Consort1974Album
Processions PascalesDeller Consort1974Album
Madrigaux, Ballets & Fantasies, Musica Deo SacraDeller Consort, Thomas Tomkins, Ensemble De Violes De La Schola Cantorum De Bâle, Alfred Deller1974Album
Ode A Sainte Cécile «Welcome To All The Pleasures» (1683) / Ode Pour L'Anniversaire De La Reine Mary «Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind» (1692)Henry Purcell, Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra, Alfred Deller1973Album
Madrigali Amorosi (From The 8th Book Of Madrigals)Claudio Monteverdi, Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1972Album
Mass For 5 VoicesDeller Consort, William Byrd1972Album
Leçons De Ténèbres - Volume 2 - Feria Sexta ICarlo Gesualdo / Deller Consort1972Album
Leçons De Ténèbres - Volume 4 - Sabbato SanctoCarlo Gesualdo, Deller Consort1972Album
The Lamentations Of Jeremiah The ProphetDeller Consort, Thomas Tallis, Alfred Deller1972Album
Notre Dame Mass / Viderunt Omnes, Sederunt PrinciplesGuillaume de Machaut, Pérotin, Alfred Deller, Deller Consort, Medieval Chamber Ensemble1972Album
Mass For Three Voices • Mass For Four VoicesWilliam Byrd - Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1972Album
The Fairy Queen (An Opera In Five Parts)Henry Purcell : Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra, Alfred Deller1972Album
The Fairy-QueenDeller Consort, Henry Purcell1972Album
Purcell: AyresHenry Purcell * Deller Consort1970Album
Vocal And Instrumental MusicOrlando Gibbons - Deller Consort, The Jaye Consort1970Album
Tirsi & Clori - Ballets Et MadrigauxClaudio Monteverdi - Deller Consort, Collegium Aureum, Alfred Deller1970Album
Musique À La Cour Des TudorDeller Consort, The Morley Consort1970Album
Ayres • Record OneHenry Purcell * Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1970Album
Tenebrae ICarlo Gesualdo - Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1970Album
Messe A Trois Voix / MotetsWilliam Byrd - Deller Consort1969Album
Messe Nostre-Dame / Ballades & VirelaisGuillaume De Machaut / Deller Consort1969Album
Messe A Quatre Voix - MotetsWilliam Byrd - Deller Consort1969Album
Te Deum, Jubilate Deo, In Guilty Night, Man That Is Born Of WomanHenry Purcell, Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra1969Album
Lamentations Of Jeremiah / Five HymnsThomas Tallis, Deller Consort1968Album
From Heaven AboveDeller Consort1968Album
Te DeumHenry Purcell / Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra1968Album
Te Deum Et Jubilate Deo / I Guilty Night / Man That Is Born Of A WomanHenry Purcell - Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra, Alfred Deller1968Album
Les Lamentations de Jéremie Le Prophète ( The Lamentations Of Jeremiah )Thomas Tallis, Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1968Album
Messe à Cinq Voix - MotetsWilliam Byrd - Deller Consort1968Album
Shakespeare Songs And Consort MusicAlfred Deller, Deller Consort, Desmond Dupré1967Album
Ode On The Death Of Henry Purcell; Bring Shepherds Bring The Kids And Lambs ("Marriage Ode")John Blow, Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra1967Album
"Awake Sweet Love" Airs & Partsongs of John DowlandJohn Dowland - Deller Consort, Alfred Deller, Desmond Dupré1966Album
MichelangeDeller Consort1965Single
Vanguard Everyman Classics Album of Beloved SongsDeller Consort, Alfred Deller, Desmond Dupré1964Album
Music Of Medieval France - 1200-1400 Sacred And SecularDeller Consort, Alfred Deller, Concentus Musicus Wien1964Album
Carols & Motets For The Nativity Of Medieval & Tudor EnglandAlfred Deller, Deller Consort, Musica Antiqua Wien1963Album
Madrigal Masterpieces Vol 2Deller Consort, Alfred Deller1963Album
Come Ye Sons Of Art - The Bell Anthem - My Beloved Spake‒AnthemHenry Purcell - Alfred Deller, Deller Consort, London Oriana Choir & Oriana Concert Orchestra, Mark Deller1962Album
The Silver SwanOrlando Gibbons, William Byrd, Francis Pilkington, John Ward, Deller Consort1962Album
Seasons GreetingsThe Doctor's Orchestral Society Of New York / Alfred Deller and the Deller Consort1962Single
Messe Nostre DameGuillaume de Machaut, Deller Consort1961Album
Musik An Notre Dame In Paris Um 1200 / Sederunt PrincipesPérotin, Anonymous, Deller Consort1961Album
The Cruel Mother And Other English Ballads And FolksongsAlfred Deller With Desmond Dupré, Deller Consort1961Album
Musik An Notre Dame In Paris Um 1200Pérotin - Anonymous, Deller Consort1960Album
Tavern Songs, Catches And GleesDeller Consort1960Album
A Musical Panorama Of Shakespeare's EnglandAlfred Deller And The Deller Consort1960Album
Vaughan Williams Folk Song AlbumAlfred Deller And The Deller Consort1959Album
Madrigal MasterpiecesAlfred Deller & Deller Consort1959Album
MadrigalsJohn Wilbye, Deller Consort1958Album
The Cries Of LondonDeller Consort / Alfred Deller / April Cantelo / Wilfred Brown / London Chamber Players / The Ambrosian Singers1957Album
The Holly And The Ivy, Christmas Carols Of Old EnglandAlfred Deller, Deller Consort1956Album
Hark, Ye Shepherds! - Carols At ChristmastideAlfred Deller And Deller Consort1956Album
The English Madrigal School, Vol 2Alfred Deller, Deller Consort1955Album
Anthems, Madrigals And FantasiesOrlando Gibbons / Deller Consort, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis1955Album
The English Madrigal School, Vol 1Alfred Deller, Deller Consort1955Album
The English Masrigal SchoolDeller ConsortAlbum
Madrigaux & Chansons D'AngleterreDeller Consort, Alfred DellerAlbum
GesualdoDeller Consort, Carlo GesualdoAlbum
Gesellige Lieder Aus Dem Alten EuropaDeller ConsortAlbum
The Indian Queen (Opéra En 5 Actes) / Le Masque De Timon D'AthènesHenry Purcell - Deller Consort Direction Alfred DellerAlbum
Musik Im Goldenen Zeitalter EnglandsDeller Consort, Gustav Leonhardt, Viola-da-Gamba-Quintett Der Schola Cantorum BasiliensisAlbum
Te Deum Et Jubilate Deo / I Guilty Night / Man That Is Born Of A WomanHenry Purcell - Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra, Alfred DellerAlbum
Tirsi E Clori, Ballet - Six MadrigalsMonteverdi, Deller ConsortAlbum
Ode Sur La Mort De Mr. Henry Purcell - Ode Au Mariage - Cloe Found AmyntasJohn Blow, Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber OrchestraAlbum
L'Age D'Or Du Madrigal, Madrigaux Italiens, Anglais, FrancaisDeller Consort, Quatuor Bulgare, René Saorgin, Raphaël PerulliAlbum
The English Madrigal School: Madrigals Of John Wilbye And Thomas MorleyJohn Wilbye, Thomas Morley, Deller Consort, Alfred DellerAlbum
Graduale "Sederunt Principes" / Messe Nostre Dame Zu Vier StimmenPérotin, Guillaume de Machaut, Deller Consort, Mitglieder Des Collegium AureumAlbum
The English Madrigal School Vol. 3 (Madrigals Of Thomas Morley)Thomas Morley - Deller Consort, Alfred DellerAlbum
Acis & GalateaGeorg Friedrich Händel, Deller Consort, Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra, Alfred DellerAlbum
Cantates & Sonates Pour La Nuit De NoëlDas Collegium Musicum Des Westdeutschen Rundfunks Köln, Walter Bergmann, Deller Consort, Choeurs De La Cathédrale D'Aix-La-ChapelleAlbum
The Cries Of LondonThomas Weelkes / Deller ConsortAlbum
Tenebrae IIICarlo Gesualdo, Deller Consort, Alfred DellerAlbum
Jannequin; Songs Of Birds, Battles And Love And The Flowering Of The French ChansonDeller ConsortAlbum
Treasury Of Gregorian Chants Series IIDeller ConsortAlbum
Graduale "Sederunt Principes" / Messe Nostre Dame Zu Vier StimmenPérotin, Guillaume de Machaut, Deller Consort, Mitglieder Des Collegium AureumAlbum
Du Chant D' Amour Au Madrigal : Du Moyen Age à La RenaissanceArs Musicae De Barcelona, Deller ConsortAlbum
Cantates - Préludes Et Fugues (Cantate «Jubilate Domino»)Dieterich Buxtehude - Alfred Deller / Deller Consort / René SaorginAlbum
Henry Purcell - Ayres - Disc TwoDeller ConsortAlbum
Madrigali a 5 e 6 voci Tirsi e CloriClaudio Monteverdi, Deller ConsortAlbum
Noël. Chants Et Hymnes De La Renaissance à La Vierge MarieDeller Consort, Michel Chapuis, Francis Chapelet, Ars EuropeaAlbum
Les Maitres Du MadrigalClaudio Monteverdi, Guillaume Costeley, Luca Marenzio, Deller ConsortAlbum
Missa Ad Placitum - Quatre Versets Sur "Veni Creator"Claude Le Jeune, Jehan Titelouze / Deller Consort, Michel ChapuisAlbum
Tenebrae IVCarlo Gesualdo, Deller ConsortAlbum
Musique De Scène / Airs D'opéras / Odes Et Chants SacrésHenry Purcell - Deller Consort, Alfred DellerAlbum
Les Cris De Londres / The Cries Of LondonThomas Weelkes / Deller ConsortAlbum
Musik Im Cedernsaal - Auf Schloss KirchheimDeller Consort / Collegium Aureum Leitung: Reinhard Peters / Elly AmelingAlbum
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