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Album Cover
Demokhratia - Mondo Gecko
Split LP - لا دين لا دولة = No Religions-No States

Album FR 2012 on Darbouka Records label
Alternative (Hardcore, Punk)

No recording info or credits provided. Poster and lyric insert included. Title from spine. Pressing company uncredited, identified by the matrix etchings. 2x500 copies pressed.

PortraitDemokhratia , *2007 DZ
album by
PortraitMondo Gecko ,
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2El HoukiyaDemokhratia
3Terteg EsystemDemokhratia
5Six MonthsDemokhratiaFace Up To It!
6El Capitalism Te3 ZebiDemokhratia
7El KhoufDemokhratia
8War On The SystemDemokhratiaPower Is Poison
9Li Nak EdenyaDemokhratia
10La Dine Al DoulaDemokhratia
11IntroMondo Gecko
12AxeMondo Gecko
13Mondo EgoMondo Gecko
14Hebias CorpusMondo Gecko
15Homo Homini LupusMondo Gecko
16The MiddlemanMondo Gecko
17DamienMondo Gecko
18Neurotic Sick Boy Pt. 1Mondo Gecko
19Neurotic Sick Boy Pt. 2Mondo Gecko
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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