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Album Cover
Despise You / Agoraphobic Nosebleed
And On And On...

Album US 2011 on Relapse Records label
Alternative (Hardcore, Punk, Grindcore)

DxYx Recorded in the 818/mixed in Black Korea. Thanks to the county and city of Los Angeles. ANb Recorded, mixed & mastered @ Visceral Sound. Randall's vocals tracked @ Zing Recording in Westfield, MA. Thanks for nothing. Pressing Information: 120 Clear 300 Black 356 Green with White Marbling (Opaque) 355 Mix Marble (grey w/ red and blue) (Opaque)

PortraitDespise You , US
album by
PortraitAgoraphobic Nosebleed , *1994 US
album by
Scott Hull producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1BereftDespise You
2Repeat Until You FailDespise You
3Roll CallDespise You
43/26/00Despise You
5Three Day HoldDespise You
6Yes Officer/No OfficerDespise You
7Fear's SongDespise You
8Two Or Ten FacesDespise You
9Shit Goes In, Shit Comes OutDespise You
10You Can't Fix Me, Don't TripDespise You
11Painted GrayDespise You
12All The Regimes You Hold Most DearDespise You
13DestinialDespise You
14Bankrupt Social CodeDespise You
15Seven FuneralsDespise You
16They All Died Is What HappenedDespise You
17...And ExpirationsDespise You
18Cedar Ave. (Was The Best Place To Watch People Ascend To Heaven)Despise You
19Half DeadAgoraphobic Nosebleed
20As Bad As It Is...Agoraphobic Nosebleed
21MiscommunicationAgoraphobic Nosebleed
22Los InfernosAgoraphobic Nosebleed
23UngratefulAgoraphobic Nosebleed
24PossessionAgoraphobic Nosebleed
25Burlap SackAgoraphobic Nosebleed
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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