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Album Cover
Dinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
Roumanian Dances 1943 / Concertino In Classical Style Op 3

Album UK 1968 on Auditorium Records label
Classical (Neo-Classical)

Printed in England The sleeve and labels are not exactly masterpieces of documentation. The variant spellings of "Roumanian" (cover) and "Rumanian" (label) are original. The label is incorrect – It labels side A as the "Rumanian" dances and B as the Concertino. However, it lists the movement title correctly. The three tracks on side 1 are indeed the concertino and the four on side two the Romanian dances. "Milano Philharmonic Orchestra, Complesso Ferrarese" is credited on sleeve and on both sides. Presumably one ensemble did each work, but which is which there is no way of telling.

PortraitDinu Lipatti p, 1917-1950 RO
album by, composed by
PortraitCarlo Felice Cillario , 1915-2007 IT
conductor, album by
PortraitThe Milan Philharmonic Orchestra ,
orchestra, album by
PortraitFelicja Blumental p, 1908-1991 BR
piano, album by
Dinu Lipatti
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Concerto In The Classical Style Op 3Dinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja BlumentalDinu Lipatti
21. VifDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
32. AndantinoDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
43. Allegro VivaceDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
5Rumanian Dances For Piano And OrchestraDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja BlumentalDinu Lipatti
61. Allegro MaestosoDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
72. Adagio MoltoDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
8AllegrettoDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
9Allegro MoltoDinu Lipatti - Carlo Felice Cillario, The Milan Philharmonic Orchestra, Felicja Blumental
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