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Album Cover
Dirty South Rydaz
Texas Most Wanted

Compil. US 2006 on DSR label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Screw)

Big Wheel & DSR

PortraitDirty South Rydaz , US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1IntroDirty South Rydaz
2D-Town Is My HomeDirty South Rydaz
3Straight HoodDirty South Rydaz
4Clockin' Dem DollazDirty South Rydaz
5TexDirty South Rydaz
6Real TalkDirty South Rydaz
7Everybody HotDirty South Rydaz
8SwangDirty South Rydaz
9Can't Double BackDirty South Rydaz
10So ThrowedDirty South Rydaz
114 KingzDirty South Rydaz
12Be About ItDirty South Rydaz
13Bring It BackDirty South Rydaz
14Catch Da SquareDirty South Rydaz
15My CaddyDirty South Rydaz
16Four FifteensDirty South Rydaz
17On My GrindDirty South Rydaz
18GangstaDirty South Rydaz
19FreestyleDirty South Rydaz
20Hustla MuzicDirty South Rydaz
21Intro (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
22D-Town Is My Home (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
23Straight Hood (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
24Clockin' Dem Dollaz (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
25Tex (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
26Real Talk (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
27Everybody Hot (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
28Swang (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
29Can't Double Back (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
30So Throwed (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
314 Kingz (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
32Be About It (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
33Bring It Back (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
34Catch Da Square (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
35My Caddy (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
36Four Fifteens (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
37On My Grind (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
38Gangsta (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
39Freestyle (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
40Hustla Muzic (Screwed)Dirty South Rydaz
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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