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Album Cover
Dmitry Kabalevsky
Our Land. Song Of Morning, Spring And Peace. Songs

Album 1985 on Мелодия label
Classical (Modern)

Sung in Russian

PortraitDmitry Kabalevsky p, RU
composed by, conductor, album by
PortraitДетская Хоровая Школа "Весна" , RU
choir, children's choir
PortraitDimitrij Kitaenko , *1940 RU
PortraitMoscow Philharmonic Orchestra ,
Alexander Ponomarev chorus master
Петр Кондрашин engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Our Land, Cantata, Op. 82 = О родной земле, Кантата, Соч. 82Dmitry Kabalevsky18:21
21. Our Fathers = Наши отцыDmitry Kabalevsky
32. Fine, Fine (ditties) = Хорошо, хорошо (частушки)Dmitry Kabalevsky
43. A Voice From Distant Years = Голос из давних летDmitry Kabalevsky
54. Song Of The Motherland = Песня о РодинеDmitry Kabalevsky
6Song Of Morning, Spring And Peace, Cantata, Op. 57 = Песня утра, весны и мира, Кантата, Соч. 57Dmitry Kabalevsky10:23
71. You Hear Children's Voices = Вы слышите голос детейDmitry Kabalevsky
82. Good Morning = Доброе утроDmitry Kabalevsky
93. Our Spring = Наша веснаDmitry Kabalevsky
104. We Want Peace = Нам нужен мирDmitry Kabalevsky
11Songs = ПесниDmitry Kabalevsky
12School Years = Школьные годыDmitry Kabalevsky3:48
13Good Night = Спокойной ночиDmitry Kabalevsky3:46
14Happiness = СчастьеDmitry Kabalevsky2:23
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