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Album Cover
Dolly Roll

Album HU 1983 on Pepita label
Rock (Surf, Rock’n’Roll, Rockabilly)

Total duration side A: 18' 20" and side B: 18' 27". Made in Hungary ℗ 1983

PortraitDolly Roll , 1983-2017 HU
music by, lyrics by, album by
PortraitAndrás Nagy ,
graphics, grafika
PortraitHorváth Péter ep,
lacquer cut by
PortraitNovai Gábor eb, voc, bvoc,
music director, musical director, performer
PortraitDolly voc, bvoc, *1949
PortraitFekete Gyula sax, bvoc,
PortraitFlipper Öcsi voc, bvoc, g, 1962-2008
PortraitKékes Zoltán g, bvoc, voc,
PortraitZsoldos Gábor dr, bvoc, *1962
János Bohus engineer
Mihály János music director, musical director
Huschit János photography by
Dolly Roll
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Vakációóó = VacationDolly Roll
2Arrivederci AmoreDolly Roll
3Bye-Bye Johnny B. GoodeDolly Roll
4Pesti Cleopátra = Downtown CleopatraDolly Roll
5Si-Bap-Bap-Du-BapDolly Roll
6Modern Románc = Modern RomanceDolly Roll
7Wind-Szörny = Surfin' FlirtDolly Roll
8Dolly RollDolly Roll
9Let-Kiss Week-EndDolly Roll
10Hatszemélyes Cadillac = Cadillac Go-go-goDolly Roll
11Naplemente = SunsetDolly Roll
12Stréber Bugi = School-boogieDolly Roll
13Merész Tengerész = Bold SailorDolly Roll
14 Happy EndDolly Roll

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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